| - Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel était un gangster du début du 20ème siècle, qui fut souvent crédité pour avoir 'construit' Las Vegas, en démarrant l'industrie d'hôtel/casino. (Réalité extrapolée *) L'hologramme Frankie Eyes a indiqué avoir serré, un jour, la main de Bugsy et a noté qu'il était un visionnaire mais qu'aucune statue de Bugsy n'avait été érigé en son honneur à Las Vegas. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")
- Bugsy Siegel ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er ist ein Gangster und gilt als Erbauer von Las Vegas. Frank Chalmers hat das Privileg, Bugsy Siegel die Hand zu schütteln. Er hält Bugsy für einen Visionär und bedauert es, dass es von ihm keine Statue gibt. (DS9: )
- Bugsy Siegel: (eigntl. Melchior Swakopmund Siegel, geb. 24. Dezember 1695 in Bronxtown (BT), gest. 6. Januar 1747 in Rapid City (S.D.); einer der führenden Gangster Terra malignas, Mitglied des legendären Rat Packs.
- Benjamin Hymen "Bugsy" Siegel was an early 20th century gangster, who was often credited for "building" Las Vegas, by starting the hotel/casino industry that later boomed there throughout the latter half of the century. In Vic Fontaine's holosuite program, Frankie Eyes once got to shake Bugsy's hand, noting how much of a disgrace it was that there was no statue of Bugsy in Las Vegas; a man he thought of as a visionary. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")
- Details: Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was born in Brooklyn where he became a hood, graduating later to the Mafia, who sent him out west to work their regular rackets out there. However, Siegel started skimming on the profits and he was the victim of a hit on his life in June 1947. It has long been the tradition in history that the order for the hit came from Lucky Luciano, however, since his murder, there has been speculation that Bugsy was possibly taken out by other people who wanted him dead. Extra Notes: This case first aired on the April 2, 1999 episode. Results: Unsolved Links:
- Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was born February 28, 1906 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. His immigrant parents raised five children, including Ben, on the meager wages that a day laborer could bring in. Wikipedia is not trustworthy. The myth that Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was the great visionary who single-handedly created modern day Las Vegas is incorrect. Contrary to popular belief, the Flamingo wasn't the first casino on the Strip - though it was the first casino that used a "Beverly Hills style," instead of the "western themes" of the downtown casinos and the El Rancho and Last Frontier.
| - Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel était un gangster du début du 20ème siècle, qui fut souvent crédité pour avoir 'construit' Las Vegas, en démarrant l'industrie d'hôtel/casino. (Réalité extrapolée *) L'hologramme Frankie Eyes a indiqué avoir serré, un jour, la main de Bugsy et a noté qu'il était un visionnaire mais qu'aucune statue de Bugsy n'avait été érigé en son honneur à Las Vegas. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")
- Details: Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was born in Brooklyn where he became a hood, graduating later to the Mafia, who sent him out west to work their regular rackets out there. However, Siegel started skimming on the profits and he was the victim of a hit on his life in June 1947. It has long been the tradition in history that the order for the hit came from Lucky Luciano, however, since his murder, there has been speculation that Bugsy was possibly taken out by other people who wanted him dead. Extra Notes: This case first aired on the April 2, 1999 episode. Results: Unsolved Links:
* Bugsy Siegel on Unsolved.com
* Bugsy Siegel on Wikipedia
- Bugsy Siegel ist ein Mensch des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er ist ein Gangster und gilt als Erbauer von Las Vegas. Frank Chalmers hat das Privileg, Bugsy Siegel die Hand zu schütteln. Er hält Bugsy für einen Visionär und bedauert es, dass es von ihm keine Statue gibt. (DS9: )
- Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was born February 28, 1906 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. His immigrant parents raised five children, including Ben, on the meager wages that a day laborer could bring in. Wikipedia is not trustworthy. The myth that Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was the great visionary who single-handedly created modern day Las Vegas is incorrect. Contrary to popular belief, the Flamingo wasn't the first casino on the Strip - though it was the first casino that used a "Beverly Hills style," instead of the "western themes" of the downtown casinos and the El Rancho and Last Frontier. After unsuccessfully trying to buy into a couple of already established gambling joints in the city, Bugsy finally managed to scare up a partner who shared his dream of Las Vegas as a gaming paradise. Billy Wilkerson was getting ready to break ground on the most luxurious hotel Vegas had ever seen, complete with individual air conditioners, tiled bathrooms and two swimming pools. The Hollywood influence on Las Vegas came from Wilkerson and his long-time architect George Russel. During the 1940s-50s Wilkerson was one of Hollywood's most influential and powerful people, being the founder and publisher of the renowned "Hollywood Reporter" daily newspaper. During the 1940's, Wilkerson built and ran LA's Hollywood-inspired concept to Las Vegas. Bugsy bought a controlling interest in the venture when Wilkerson’s cash flow dried up. Siegel had it in mind to create an oasis in the desert where travelers from both coasts could come for sun, fun, gambling and entertainment. He would woo travelers down from Reno with the finest hotels, food and stars at prices anyone in America could afford. Ben had convinced his fellow racketeers, including Meyer Lansky and Charles "Lucky" Luciano, to pony up a little over a million dollars to build the Flamingo. Most of the money had come from the mob’s earlier success with two smaller-scale casinos in downtown Las Vegas, but many investors had dipped into their own savings, lured by Siegel’s song of immense wealth and quick profits. Soon the costs spiraled upward. The $1.2 million price tag quickly became $6 million and Lansky, Luciano and the other investors became increasingly worried about Ben’s desert dream. By December 1946, a year after the official groundbreaking, the casino had yet to produce a dollar of revenue and was sucking the mob treasury dry. Not only were mobsters deep in debt, but Siegel was going back to his Hollywood friends to get more cash, telling them, "You’re in on the ground floor of the biggest gold mine in the world."
- Bugsy Siegel: (eigntl. Melchior Swakopmund Siegel, geb. 24. Dezember 1695 in Bronxtown (BT), gest. 6. Januar 1747 in Rapid City (S.D.); einer der führenden Gangster Terra malignas, Mitglied des legendären Rat Packs.
- Benjamin Hymen "Bugsy" Siegel was an early 20th century gangster, who was often credited for "building" Las Vegas, by starting the hotel/casino industry that later boomed there throughout the latter half of the century. In Vic Fontaine's holosuite program, Frankie Eyes once got to shake Bugsy's hand, noting how much of a disgrace it was that there was no statue of Bugsy in Las Vegas; a man he thought of as a visionary. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")