| - Maximilian hat Axel eine herbe Niederlage bereitet. Während die Steinkamps feiern und Maximilian fürstlich belohnen, schwört Axel Rache. Tatsächlich kann er beweisen, dass Maximilian nicht der ist, für den ihn alle halten... Julian und Diana stecken in Hochzeitsvorbereitungen. Trotz einiger Probleme fühlt sich Diana wie im siebten Himmel. Deniz und Roman haben zum ersten Mal miteinander geschlafen. Obwohl das Erlebnis für Deniz sehr schön war, kann er vor der WG noch immer nicht unbefangen zu Roman stehen. Doch erst dank Vanessa Überzeugungskraft lässt er sich auf eine feste Beziehung mit ihm ein.
- 307 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursowała na trasie z Ursusa-Sanktuarium na WKD Opacz. Linię obsługiwał ajent Mobilis.
- El trescientos siete (307) es el número natural que sigue al 306 y precede al 308. Categoría:Números
- At the Evans cottage, Sam Evans is painting while Maggie Evans, suffering from cabin fever, insists on leaving the house. Sam reminds her of the danger involved, but Maggie is adamant: she wants to lead a normal life again.
| - Maximilian hat Axel eine herbe Niederlage bereitet. Während die Steinkamps feiern und Maximilian fürstlich belohnen, schwört Axel Rache. Tatsächlich kann er beweisen, dass Maximilian nicht der ist, für den ihn alle halten... Julian und Diana stecken in Hochzeitsvorbereitungen. Trotz einiger Probleme fühlt sich Diana wie im siebten Himmel. Deniz und Roman haben zum ersten Mal miteinander geschlafen. Obwohl das Erlebnis für Deniz sehr schön war, kann er vor der WG noch immer nicht unbefangen zu Roman stehen. Doch erst dank Vanessa Überzeugungskraft lässt er sich auf eine feste Beziehung mit ihm ein.
- 307 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursowała na trasie z Ursusa-Sanktuarium na WKD Opacz. Linię obsługiwał ajent Mobilis.
- El trescientos siete (307) es el número natural que sigue al 306 y precede al 308. Categoría:Números
- At the Evans cottage, Sam Evans is painting while Maggie Evans, suffering from cabin fever, insists on leaving the house. Sam reminds her of the danger involved, but Maggie is adamant: she wants to lead a normal life again. Sam threatens to forcibly restrain his daughter if she tries to leave. Maggie can't believe he would do such a thing. Once again, Sam reminds her of the Collinsport Strangler and the terrible condition she was in when she was found on the beach. He plans to do everything in his power to see that Maggie remains safe. At that moment, Joe Haskell pays them a visit. When he learns Maggie nearly left the house, Joe sides with Sam. Maggie explodes and storms off to her bedroom. Although Joe doesn't understand why Maggie can't comprehend the possible danger, Sam feels as if they've made a mistake keeping her "cooped up". Sam decides that Maggie should be safe if both he and Joe are with her in town. He suggests Joe get them a table at the Blue Whale, and he'll bring Maggie as soon as she calms down. Joe reluctantly agrees, hoping they're not making a mistake. At the Blue Whale, a pensive Victoria Winters is waiting on Burke Devlin when Joe comes in. Joe joins her and orders a beer. He confides his troubles with Maggie to Victoria, who is sure Sheriff Patterson is doing everything he can to catch Maggie's kidnapper. Victoria learns that a "strange little girl" visited Maggie shortly after she returned to Collinsport. Although Joe is doubtful, Victoria believes there is a connection between Maggie and Sarah. Later, Sam and Maggie arrive and join Victoria and Joe. Maggie, decidedly more cheerful, apologizes to Joe, who orders a round of drinks. Victoria explains her belief that Sarah might be the key to all the answers they've been looking for. The quartet discuss the odd chain of coincidences involving the mysterious little girl. For a moment, Maggie almost begins to remember. Joe and Sam determine to find Sarah in order to finally discover the truth of what happened to Maggie. Victoria believes David Collins might be able to help them. At that moment, Burke enters the bar and receives a frosty welcome from Victoria. Burke learns of Joe and Sam's plan to find Sarah. Maggie and her two protectors return home, while Victoria rails at Burke over his private investigation of Barnabas Collins. Burke explains jealousy is not his motive--suspicion is. He believes Barnabas was responsible for Maggie's abduction. Victoria has heard enough. She blows up at Burke, threatening to call off their engagement if he continues to malign Barnabas.