| - Samhain comes off as a very shady and mysterious individual, at first look he is a carefree and doubt free. He doesn’t have a have wish to find one piece and become the next pirate king, he wants to be the next king in the Halloween Era. He is carefree and doubt free, much like Doflamingo. Samhain says whatever he wishes, however he seems to a little polite he addresses some by sir or lady. He has shown to often give some very powerful and some gestures some speeches. Shrouded in mystery, one quickly learns of Samhain's innate ability to act as if he knows more than what he is letting on. He can trick others into think that he is really a fool and doesn’t have a clue around him. Shown when he thought that Spiker was a man than a woman, he also thought Jumbo was a walking balloon and not a
| - Samhain comes off as a very shady and mysterious individual, at first look he is a carefree and doubt free. He doesn’t have a have wish to find one piece and become the next pirate king, he wants to be the next king in the Halloween Era. He is carefree and doubt free, much like Doflamingo. Samhain says whatever he wishes, however he seems to a little polite he addresses some by sir or lady. He has shown to often give some very powerful and some gestures some speeches. Shrouded in mystery, one quickly learns of Samhain's innate ability to act as if he knows more than what he is letting on. He can trick others into think that he is really a fool and doesn’t have a clue around him. Shown when he thought that Spiker was a man than a woman, he also thought Jumbo was a walking balloon and not a man. But he knows many things, the full extend is what is so creepy about him. Samhain loves fun and games, of course his fun and games are that of chaos and rebellion. He loves to define the system and shock others with whatever he can think of with his fruit. Toying with opponents, taking a slow time to do things and often even seen talking in the middle of a battle with a den den mushi. Samhain is somewhat childish as well, belittling as he questions why they wouldn’t get back up and wanting them come back to play with him. Shown sadistic traits licking his own blade and fingers, as he battle several marines and just killed them one by one. He seems to have a thing were he will only fight one opponent at a time; this seems to be an OCD trait to him. He also hates to see a messy battle field, often commenting about some of his crew members could have made their fun some go and clean. Samhain has a strange habit of loving the more of simpler things in life; he seems to be a detached man. He doesn’t see a need for gold or many friendships, he often thinks the more of friends one has it will be to much. He only holds his crew members and his allies in high esteem, addressing such figures as Demetrius. Captain Demetrius and even giving a little stage bow to him. But with his mouth and care free attitude, Samhain doesn’t care of what he says. This often reflects in battle, Samhain doesn’t care at who he faces. He doesn’t have a code of standards or even morals, from hitting and slapping women. Taking the lives of child and innocent in his innocent games of Halloween. Samhain has an obsession more than a dream of a new Halloween Era, in which is it basically a twisted Halloween for the rest of the days. This seems to be his main goal, he wants to create all of the tricks and treats that come with Halloween. Thus why he had created rebellions, just because it is something that would happen on Halloween, is it he reply to others. Same with Murdering, he claims it happens on Halloween and he does whatever he wants on Halloween. Since he thinks of Halloween of being a time were there is no rules and he can do whatever he wishes, he has gotten many enemies and a famous rep for him. In this new Era of Halloween, it seems to he wishes to rule and play in it. Thinking himself of as a bit of in his own words as “The Halloween God”, since he powers are Halloween. So he has shown to have some arrogance's, boasting and mocking others because he thinks of them as Hallo-haters. Samhain has shown a hidden side of him, he is very perceptive as shown when he was able to tell right from the start that Jigoku’s own flames was really produced by an undiscovered particle. He also was able to deduce that Saint Santo had a mythical zoan and from his own studies it was the Kongōrikishi. He also was able tell at what some of the affects of the holy objects had onto others, from the holy water to the beads. Samhain even seems to have a way of finding out some other odd things as well, telling that Missy was a slut just from the first word from her mouth. He told her and even told Demetrius that he was a power hungry warlord, who thought himself to be god. He is famous for a pose that he takes, one hand on his hat and giving a smug smile. He shows to be much more than what he leads on to be with others, so this is what makes him so dangerous. His own obsession with Halloween, his devil fruit and his ever growing crew. Samhain has been said to be a major growing threat to the world and seas, his dream for a Halloween Era. Samhain as shown to be a bit of a poet as well, he likes to relax to an extend as he watches battle in his floating chair. Samhain seems to hate to hear a few things, he hates to hear about those who don’t like Halloween or don’t celebrate. He can get a bit annoyed and will show others that Halloween is much more than a Holiday it’s a way of life, it is almost a religion to Samhain. Samhain has shown to love the tough guys the most, because he comments they are the funniest to scary. He has often noticed many of the tough guys who have faced him, after they were pure white and they screamed like little girls. Of course he does go those one or two guys who truly are Tough guys, so he gets annoyed and may give up to do something either. But also sometimes he lets others life or will not get into a fight with them, so many wonder is it because he knows he isn’t strong enough or is that he sees something that others don’t know yet since he is extremely perceptive at others. He can basically people read and be right most of the time, giving Basil a run for his money.