| - Fash is a Caineron lesser Highborn. He is a randon cadet who is part of Gorbel's ten-command. He used to be Gorbel's friend, and they used to sneak up to Kithorn to spy on the Merikit rites. This ended when Fash developed Caldane's interest in skinning Merikit. At Tentir, Fash is friends with Higbert and Vant. During their autumn at Tentir, Fash and Higbert threw Drie into the Silver. Later that year, Higbert and Fash try to get Bear killed. Near the end of Honor's Paradox, he takes part in Gorbel's challenging Jame, along with Higbert and Obidin.
| - Fash is a Caineron lesser Highborn. He is a randon cadet who is part of Gorbel's ten-command. He used to be Gorbel's friend, and they used to sneak up to Kithorn to spy on the Merikit rites. This ended when Fash developed Caldane's interest in skinning Merikit. At Tentir, Fash is friends with Higbert and Vant. During their autumn at Tentir, Fash and Higbert threw Drie into the Silver. In Bound in Blood, during the Winter War, Fash kidnaps Jorin, to lure Jame, because her flag was worth so much. The Falconeers Shade, Gari, and Dure come to the cat's defense. They lock there door, and Gari sticks his insects on them. In Honor's Paradox, Fash accompanies Gorbel to the Lordan's Presentation, or Caldane's orders. Fash challenges Jame. He chooses swords for the challenge, knowing it's name's weakest discipline. Unable to compete with him with swords, Jame ends up using Marc's leather glassmaking apron as a whip. Later that year, Higbert and Fash try to get Bear killed. When the Coman are paired up with the Knorth for an exercise at Tentir, Fash talks the Coman master-ten Clary, the Coman being traditional Caineron allies, into hitting Jame with a rock egg. Near the end of Honor's Paradox, he takes part in Gorbel's challenging Jame, along with Higbert and Obidin. In The Sea of Time, Fash, as part of Gorbel's ten-command, goes to Kothifir for his second year, where he contines to pester Jame, although much less than at Tentir.