| - Annette kann nicht glauben, wirklich mit Tom geschlafen zu habe. Doch als sie von Vanessa erfährt, dass Tom schon lange in sie verliebt ist, kommt sie ins Grübeln. Alarmiert versucht sie, die letzten Wochen zu rekapitulieren und glaubt schließlich erschüttert, dass es wirklich zum Sex mit Tom gekommen ist. Deniz ist in Panik. Er hat Roman betrogen - mit Jessica, der Freundin seines Vaters! Als Jessica mit dem Gedanken spielt, Marian gegenüber mit offenen Karten zu spielen, versucht Deniz sie flehend davon abzuhalten. Schließlich sind sich beide einig, den Vorfall zu vergessen, doch werden sie es angesichts ihres schlechten Gewissens schaffen? Langsam wird es für Katja ernst. Die Deutsche Meisterschaft steht kurz bevor und die ersten Mitstreiterinnen reisen an. Und die sind in blendender Ve
- After completing his investigation, the Constable places Quentin under arrest for Randall's murder. Quentin is outraged by the Constable's decision and demands to know on what grounds he is being arrested on, but the Constable says that will have to wait until the trial. He decides to go quietly, but wants to see Tad first. Tad arrives and the Constable leaves them alone. Quentin reluctantly tells him what has happened, and assures him he will be back at Collinwood very soon. Tad leaves, and Quentin requests to speak with Daphne before they leave.
| - After completing his investigation, the Constable places Quentin under arrest for Randall's murder. Quentin is outraged by the Constable's decision and demands to know on what grounds he is being arrested on, but the Constable says that will have to wait until the trial. He decides to go quietly, but wants to see Tad first. Tad arrives and the Constable leaves them alone. Quentin reluctantly tells him what has happened, and assures him he will be back at Collinwood very soon. Tad leaves, and Quentin requests to speak with Daphne before they leave. Upstairs, a heartbroken Tad pleads with Daniel to do something. Daniel only says "Dear God, don't let it be true." Daphne is apparently missing and Quentin decides to leave her a note. Meanwhile, Charles arrives at Rose Cottage to see Gerard. Charles demands to know why Gerard murdered Randall. Gerard admits that he was planning on murdering Randall because he found Judah's mask, but reveals that someone else beat him to it. He does, however, wonder who it may be. Charles then brings up another matter they must deal with: Daniel. Gerard tells him they will go to Collinwood tonight to see just how Gerard plans to "take care of him." At Collinwood, Daniel kicks the Constable out of the house and demands to speak with Quentin alone. Daniel demands to know the truth about Randall's murder, but stops Quentin before he can answer and believes he is guilty, pointing out Desmond's attack after their argument, the death of Mordecai's cattle on the Collins' property and his vision of Lorna's death on the staircase through time. Quentin pleads his innocence, but Daniel becomes so worked up over all of the evidence pointing to Quentin he suffers an attack and collapses to the floor. Gerard and Charles enter the drawing room, as does the Constable, and they help Daniel back to his room. Quentin confides in Gerard his recent problems, and Gerard tells him he will handle things at Collinwood while he is away. The Constable returns and tells Gerard that Daniel wants to see him. Finally, Quentin and the Constable leave Collinwood and head for the jail. Gerard goes to see Daniel in his room. Daniel tells him he trusts him more than his own family members and admits he will not live long enough to see the results of Quentin's trial. He announces that he is going to change his will and is considering cutting Quentin out of it. Quentin and the Constable return to the jail. The Constable's wife, Mildred, sees Quentin and immediately panics because she is certain he is a warlock. Quentin is locked up and Mildred notices the ring Quentin wears and claims he is a murderer. Gerard meets with Charles in the drawing room and is incredibly satisfied with how well his plan is moving along. He informs Charles that Daniel wants proof of Quentin's innocence (or guilt), and therefore they are going to stage a seance where Charles will pretend to be Randall. Charles thinks it's a bad idea given Daniel's poor state of health, but Gerard says they must do it tonight. Later that night, Daniel tries to back out of the seance, but Gerard convinces him to go on with it. Gerard begins the seance and Charles pretends to go into a trance and claims that Quentin murdered Randall. Daniel breaks down in tears and the "seance" abruptly ends. Daniel manages to calm himself and announces that he will change his will and select a new heir to the Collins fortune.
- Annette kann nicht glauben, wirklich mit Tom geschlafen zu habe. Doch als sie von Vanessa erfährt, dass Tom schon lange in sie verliebt ist, kommt sie ins Grübeln. Alarmiert versucht sie, die letzten Wochen zu rekapitulieren und glaubt schließlich erschüttert, dass es wirklich zum Sex mit Tom gekommen ist. Deniz ist in Panik. Er hat Roman betrogen - mit Jessica, der Freundin seines Vaters! Als Jessica mit dem Gedanken spielt, Marian gegenüber mit offenen Karten zu spielen, versucht Deniz sie flehend davon abzuhalten. Schließlich sind sich beide einig, den Vorfall zu vergessen, doch werden sie es angesichts ihres schlechten Gewissens schaffen? Langsam wird es für Katja ernst. Die Deutsche Meisterschaft steht kurz bevor und die ersten Mitstreiterinnen reisen an. Und die sind in blendender Verfassung. Katja setzt sich noch mehr als sonst unter Druck, auch wenn das ganze Team fest an sie glaubt.