However, in 3 ABY, a Human girl named Cindel Towani and her Ewok companion Wicket Wystri Warrick stumbled upon the house of Teek and Noa, who eventually formed a close bond with the two children. Several days after their first encounter, Cindel was kidnapped by Sanyassan warlord Terak, and Teek and his friend aided Wicket in her rescue. Teek proved vital to the recovery, using his superior speed to great effect, and after they rescued Cindel, he helped fight Terak's warriors in the woods. Teek eventually saved his companion's life when he attacked Terak, who was ready to strike the helpless Noa with his sword. Wicket then finished off the Sanyassan warlord. Teek was ultimately left behind when Noa and Cindel departed on the ship, which the old Human had finally managed to repair, though he
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| - Wookieepedia:Featured article queue/Week 43, 2007/1
| - However, in 3 ABY, a Human girl named Cindel Towani and her Ewok companion Wicket Wystri Warrick stumbled upon the house of Teek and Noa, who eventually formed a close bond with the two children. Several days after their first encounter, Cindel was kidnapped by Sanyassan warlord Terak, and Teek and his friend aided Wicket in her rescue. Teek proved vital to the recovery, using his superior speed to great effect, and after they rescued Cindel, he helped fight Terak's warriors in the woods. Teek eventually saved his companion's life when he attacked Terak, who was ready to strike the helpless Noa with his sword. Wicket then finished off the Sanyassan warlord. Teek was ultimately left behind when Noa and Cindel departed on the ship, which the old Human had finally managed to repair, though he
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| - However, in 3 ABY, a Human girl named Cindel Towani and her Ewok companion Wicket Wystri Warrick stumbled upon the house of Teek and Noa, who eventually formed a close bond with the two children. Several days after their first encounter, Cindel was kidnapped by Sanyassan warlord Terak, and Teek and his friend aided Wicket in her rescue. Teek proved vital to the recovery, using his superior speed to great effect, and after they rescued Cindel, he helped fight Terak's warriors in the woods. Teek eventually saved his companion's life when he attacked Terak, who was ready to strike the helpless Noa with his sword. Wicket then finished off the Sanyassan warlord. Teek was ultimately left behind when Noa and Cindel departed on the ship, which the old Human had finally managed to repair, though he found a home with the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village, many of whom had aided him in the skirmish with the Sanyassans.