| - No:
- Remember, we need your help in judging the strength of the inhabitants of these caves.
- Yes:
- [Dialog Ends]
- Very well, if that's your choice. I'm sure someone else will be interested
- Oh, thank goodness! Finally someone who looks competent. We need help and we're paying well. Have a moment to talk?
- Excellent! You may recognize my employer, Alastor, as the owner of the Barton Coliseum. He runs many other businesses in addition to that venture.
- I knew you could do it. They all said you'd get killed like all the others... but I could tell you were different.
- As you might imagine, a man with such varied interests employs people of various talents to protect those interests. That is what brings us here today.
- One of my employer's most trusted... er, associates has gone out of contact. We intend to find this associate and are recruiting the help of all capable Gaians. Interested?
- Now that you've proven yourself, we can start expanding our search. Right now, we'll start with the first cave section.
- I thought you might say that. These caves are inhabited by vampires and werewolves. Before we begin our search in earnest we need to determine their strength... and whether or not you can handle it.