| - Bestowal Dialogue: 'It's my job to keep these passes safe for travellers, Stip, but especially for the trade my kin wants to reestablish through these mountains. And there are threats everywhere! 'While you were away, I prepared another sign. This one warns travellers away from the good-for-nothing, oath-breaking, false-speaking, thin-bearded Dourhands that have taken over the keep in the pass of Gabilazan. That wouldn't all fit on the sign, so I shortened it to "Beware of Evil Dwarves." Objective: 1. The pass of Gabilazan is east of Glóin's camp, south-west beyond the road's end, atop a slope.
| - Bestowal Dialogue: 'It's my job to keep these passes safe for travellers, Stip, but especially for the trade my kin wants to reestablish through these mountains. And there are threats everywhere! 'While you were away, I prepared another sign. This one warns travellers away from the good-for-nothing, oath-breaking, false-speaking, thin-bearded Dourhands that have taken over the keep in the pass of Gabilazan. That wouldn't all fit on the sign, so I shortened it to "Beware of Evil Dwarves." 'If you don't mind helping me out again, I'd ask you to post this sign outside the northern entrance to their keep. Head east from here and cut through the narrow gap north of the frozen pond, and you'll arrive at a path. Follow the path east until it comes to an end, then strike south-west a short distance. A slope rises up to Gabilazan and the Dourhand keep. There should be a suitable post you can affix the sign to.' Background: Vighar Roadwalker, a dwarf at Glóin's camp, wants to post signs warning travellers away from dangerous locations in the mountains. Objective: 1. The pass of Gabilazan is east of Glóin's camp, south-west beyond the road's end, atop a slope. Vighar Roadwalker has given you a sign to post just outside the northern entrance to the pass of Gabilazan. Evil dwarves have occupied the keep that guards the pass. 2. Vighar Roadwalker is at Glóin's camp, north of Rivendell. Vighar will be pleased to hear that you have posted the sign he gave you in front of the pass of Gabilazan, guarded by Dourhands. Reward: 22s40c