| - This episode opens outside the Irie Clinic then shift to the control room where Okonogi learns that the Yamainu have lost contact with Irie's transmitter. "Skylark Two" reports no disturbances, and Okonogi concludes that Rika and her allies are lying low. He then asks what has happened to "our princess"--お姫様--ohime-sama--and is told she is interrogating Jirō. Given his men understand the meaning of his derisive nickname suggests what they actually think of Takano. Okonogi laughs that this is a "secret date"--which suggests he knows of their relationship. He concludes that bringing the Inspector--Jirō--to their side may be the only way to handle the situation peacefully. Jirō's death is a constant event across the arcs; however, the previous Minagoroshi-hen reveales that Takano briefly tried to convince him to join her plot, and he refused. Okonogi receives a call from Nomura who wishes to talk to him rather than Takano. He wonders what she would want "at this last moment." The scene shifts to Jirō now handcuffed to a chair. Takano sits next to him and asks him to collaborate. As before, the anime only hints at the depth of their relationship whereas the manga expands it greatly to the point where she promises herself to him. Be that as it may, she does state that she asks him "not as Major Takano but as Miyo Takano." He replies he accepts death. She claims that if he merely pledges his loyalty to her, she will not have to kill him. Jirō responds that she must have many more allies besides him. Takano boasts that she has paid the Yamainu enough to have them lick her shoes. She then asks him how much it would cost for him to join her. Jirō scoffs and replies that she must be a lonely person. Takano is insulted, but before she can retort she hears a buzzing signal. She answers a phone and then announces to Jirō that Rika and her allies have been located in the mountains. She says goodbye to him and predicts, "I think this will be the last time we speak to each other." To add to the speculation as to how she really feels to him, she gives him one last sad look before leaving. She continues down a corridor with Okonogi and declares that Rika and her allies will not get away this time. She also realizes that if they reach Okinomiya her plans will fail. Okonogi boasts that in a deserted area such as the mountains, the Yamainu can operate in full capacity. The scene shifts to a line of Yamainu at attention outside of the Irie Clinic. Okonogi's voice-over boasts that Rika and her allies have signed their own death warrants. Takano takes direct command, and the Yamainu drive out in their vans. The scene shifts to one group cutting power cables, which is a similar scene in previous arcs. In the command van, Takano instructs the units that they must capture Rika but may kill the rest. "Warbler," "Skylark," and "Egret" reply "roger" in turn. The scene shifts to the mountains looking down on the road as the vans make their progress. It pulls back to reveal Rika, Satoko, Mion, Rena, Keiichi, and Hanyū watching. Mion laughs, "Here they come." Satoko wonders how many of them will walk off the mountain "unscathed." The scene then shifts to different Yamainu units making their way through the forest and mountain paths. In the command van, a Yamainu member summarizes their approaches. Then the scene shifts to two Yamainu members approaching a clearing. They see what appears to be an obvious "pitfall" trap. Derisively, they walk around it only to fall into pitfall traps located beside it. Three others climbing a hill are met with rolling logs. Another party of three has two fall prey to snares, while the third manning the radio panics and calls in as "Skylark 7" to report "traps." In the command van, Okonogi directs all of his units to watch out for traps. Different units report casualties. The scene shifts to Mion listening to a report from Satoko on the increasing numbers of Yamainu members taken out. She thinks, "leave this to us, Shion. Go and save Satoshi!" The scene then moves first to outside the Irie Clinic and then inside where Irie, Akasaka, Shion, and Kasai sit at a table reviewing the plans of the clinic with two unconscious Yamainu members tied up in the background. Irie reveals that the clinic has a massive underground section. They rely on the possibility that Irie's key card will still work. Kasai suggests they take out the security room first, and Irie estimates that six members should be in the underground section. The scene then shifts to the control room where the Yamainu members inside see what appears to be Irie and Shion in the custody of two Yamainu members. One of the members in the control room concludes that the activities in the mountain was a diversion to distract from an attempt to rescue Jirō. They then notice Irie's key card is used to open a security door. They understand the ruse too late. Akasaka and Kasai, dressed as Yamainu members, try to break into the control room, but they are met by gun fire. One of the Yamainu members triggers an alarm. An overhead announcement warns that in 120 seconds a suppressive gas will be released and staff should don their gas masks. Kasai takes charge firing round after round of armor piercing "slugs" from his shotgun until the Yamainu members surrender and turn off the alarms. He then apologizes to Shion since he vowed never to act in that manner again. Shion rushes down the corridor in search of Satoshi. She comes to locked door which Irie opens with his key card. Shion continues to another room with a large window which reveals Satoshi sleeping restrained in a hospital bed. On a shelf is the large Teddy bear he bought for Satoko's birthday. The commercial break returns to the scene. Irie informs her that Satoshi must remain since he suffered severe brain damage on the day he disappeared. To recall, Satoshi descended into LV-5 and was taken by Irie to the clinic. He claims that while Satoshi's life is not in danger he is seized by paranoia and fear. Shion rhetorically claims that he can be cured as if hoping to receive affirmation, but Irie remains silent. Shion then laments that he will never be what he was. Irie tells her if he is truly precious to her, she will not wake him up. He vows to continue his research and find a cure. He claims he sees faint signs of recovery in Satoshi's "brain waves" and claims that Satoshi is fighting to recover. He asks her to wait for that day but to keep the truth a secret from Satoko. He then directs her attention to the large Teddy bear and vows that Satoshi will be able to one day give it to Satoko. He also agrees to allow her to visit him. They return to find Jirō rescued. Unfortunately, Kasai's assault destroyed the communication equipment, and the Yamainu cut the telephone lines for Hinamizawa. Jirō will have to be taken to Okinomiya in order to contact his superiors to have the Banken unit deployed. The scene shifts to Rena receiving on her "walkie-talkie" Shion's message to her sister that they were successful in rescuing Jirō. She then signals Keiichi to cut a rope that releases a barrel into three Yamainu members. The scene then shifts to Okonogi searching with other members. He tries to reach "Warbler." He then hears a malevolent laughter from a woman over his head set. The woman states: "Foolish humans who know naught of that which is divine. Sacrilege will not be tolerated. Know thy sin of trampling upon holy ground." As she laughs, a man's voice is heard screaming for help. "O, pitiful warbler," the woman's voice continues, "Hast thou already left for the netherworld?" The Yamainu with the radio panics and flees. The man's voice returns screaming, "Demons!" The Yamainu with the radio flees. Okonogi realizes they are facing psychological warfare. The scene shifts to a smiling Hanyū holding the microphone of a discarded radio. Rena compliments her on sounding like a "real kamisama!" as Hanyū "au-aus." Mion agrees that a normal human could never speak with such menace while Rika "nipaas" in approval. A now embarrassed Hanyū "au-aus" again then compliments Keiichi for his part: "screeching like a chicken being strangled." Mion wonders what their enemies next move will be. Interestingly, we rarely hear Hanyū's adult voice and then only in very specific circumstances. This is a much more chilling version which she obviously uses to frighten the Yamainu. She did not and does not use this version of her adult voice during her two confrontations with Takano. She never laughs in such a chilling fashion even when beating Keiichi! It does seem clear that the rest the group in the anime version understand and accept that she is a goddess--kamisama--神様--without commenting further much like their apparent acceptance that she has horns! The manga slightly expands it by having Rika remind Rena that "she is a goddess!" The scene shifts to Okonogi sitting and smoking a cigarette with his two remaining underlings. Takano demands to know why he has not reported on the situation. He sarcastically apologizes for failing to have tea ready for her. He explains that he suspects "Warbler" has been wiped out, "Egret" and "Skylark" are scattered, and he is not sure if anyone is left. When she demands to use the radio, he explains that his radioman fled. "Mission failed," concludes Okonogi as he expresses respect for his opponent. Irate, Takano finds another radioman, and she begins to bark orders and encouragement. While she rants, another Yamainu member reports to Okonogi that the underground section of the Irie Clinic have been taken over. Okonogi concludes that they have been distracted from the real plan to rescue Jirō. He instructs the underling to contact "Cuckoo in Tokyo." He realizes that the blockades on the road may not stop Jirō from reaching Okinomiya. He looks at the still ranting Takano and concludes "we should be thinking about our future." Regarding "Cuckoo in Tokyo," the meaning is not explained further in the anime. It is in the manga version. A cuckoo lays its eggs in another species of bird's nest. The egg hatches and the baby cuckoo pushes the eggs and chicks of the host out of their nest to receive all of the food and attention from the host parents. After the end titles, the scene opens at the road blockade. The prepare an "anti-tank" weapon and sight the approaching vehicle. Inside the vehicle, Jirō and Akasaka decide to try to break through. As they speed up, the Yamainu give the order to fire, and the scene cuts to black with the sound of a loud gun. Chibi Rika and Hanyū has Hanyū excitedly announce the upcoming live-action film. Rika acidly informs her that Hanyū probably will not show up. Crying, Hanyū repeatedly proclaims she wants to show up in the film. In her child voice, Rika informs her "Nipaa . . . good things come to those who wait." Hanyū floats away with a final tearful, "I want to show up!"