| - Apollo Jackson was born in a small settlement in Queens in 2233. He was born during a time of turmoil in the ruins of the former New York City boro. Only years before, Connor McTaggart had emerged from an underground bunker and had established Queensland. Now, he and his cohorts were expanding across Queens and conquering anything that stood in their way, forming an ever-growing Principality of Queensland. When Jackson was only five years old, emissaries from the Principality of Queensland came to his settlement and issued an ultimatum to the settlers that were eking out a living there: surrender or be destroyed. The settlers did not take the threat kindly, and refused. Before the army of Queensland arrived and wiped them out, all of the children were sent away, led by a handful of men and
| - Apollo Jackson was born in a small settlement in Queens in 2233. He was born during a time of turmoil in the ruins of the former New York City boro. Only years before, Connor McTaggart had emerged from an underground bunker and had established Queensland. Now, he and his cohorts were expanding across Queens and conquering anything that stood in their way, forming an ever-growing Principality of Queensland. When Jackson was only five years old, emissaries from the Principality of Queensland came to his settlement and issued an ultimatum to the settlers that were eking out a living there: surrender or be destroyed. The settlers did not take the threat kindly, and refused. Before the army of Queensland arrived and wiped them out, all of the children were sent away, led by a handful of men and women. Trekking north, the refugees came to Flushtown, but their arrival there would just mark the beginning of Apollo’s trials and tribulations. There, he and a handful of others were kidnapped by members of the National Pleasure League that were in town, to be enslaved for whatever perverted reasons. The boys and girls- including Apollo’s cousin, Morris Jackson- were loaded onto boats and brought up the East River, to the South Bronx. As the boys were being led back to the Pleasure Palace, the group was attacked by a bunch of stalkers, spider-like robots built by The Machinists. During the melee, Apollo was hit in the head by debris and sustained a concussion, while his cousin was shot in the leg. Despite that, the two were able to escape from the fighting and slip away from their captors. Despite their newfound freedom, both were in bad shape and would likely be killed if they did not get help. Reaching out for help was risky in and of itself, as they could just as easily be recaptured, but if their respective injuries went untreated, the pair would likely die. After hiding for a few days, the two youngsters took a major chance and revealed themselves to the first band of wastelanders they encountered. Fortunately for them, wastelanders they encountered were mostly benevolent, from Hip-Hop Nation. They took the two back to their settlement and nursed them back to health.