In 2327, Grax served as the liaison between the Betazed parliament and Starfleet during the installation of the planet's orbital defense systems. In this position, he met and became good friends with Starfleet officer Ian Andrew Troi, whom he would later introduce to his future wife, Lwaxana. (short story: "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned") In 2366, Grax was director of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference hosted by Betazed, and was the first to invite the Ferengi to this conference. (TNG episode: "Ménage à Troi")
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- Reittan Grax
- Reittan Grax
| - In 2327, Grax served as the liaison between the Betazed parliament and Starfleet during the installation of the planet's orbital defense systems. In this position, he met and became good friends with Starfleet officer Ian Andrew Troi, whom he would later introduce to his future wife, Lwaxana. (short story: "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned") In 2366, Grax was director of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference hosted by Betazed, and was the first to invite the Ferengi to this conference. (TNG episode: "Ménage à Troi")
- Reittan Grax was a prominent Betazoid official. He was an old friend of Lwaxana Troi's first husband and had known her daughter, Deanna Troi, since childhood. He once told Lwaxana that he had a nice nephew that she thought would make a good husband for Deanna. In late 2366, Grax was the director of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference held on Betazed. Despite being uncomfortable with species whose minds are unreadable by telepaths, Grax invited the Ferengi to this conference. Grax visited the Enterprise-D again in 2370. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")
- Reittan Grax was een prominente Betazoid functionaris. Hij was een oude vriend van Ian Andrew Troi, de overleden man van Lwaxana en had hun dochter Deanna van kinds af aan zien opgroeien. Hij vertelde Lwaxana eens dat hij een neefje had waarvan hij dacht dat het de geschikte man voor Deanna zou zijn. Aan het einde van 2366 was Grax de voorzitter van de tweejaarlijkse handelsovereenkomst conferentie die gehouden werd op Betazed. Alhoewel hij zich niet op zijn gemak voelde bij rassen waarvan de gedachten onleesbaar waren voor telepaten, nodigde hij de Ferengi uit voor de conferentie.
- Reittan Grax était un fonctionnaire Bétazoïde. Il était un vieil ami du premier mari de Lwaxana Troi et connaissait sa fille Deanna Troi depuis son enfance. Il a, par le passé, indiqué à Lwaxana qu'il avait un neveu qui aurait fait un bon mari pour Deanna. Fin 2366, Grax était le directeur de la conférence d'accords commerciaux tenue sur Bétazed. Bien qu'il se sentait peu en confiance avec les espèces dont les esprits sont illisibles par des télépathes, Grax invita les Ferengis à cette conférence.
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| - Reittan Grax was een prominente Betazoid functionaris. Hij was een oude vriend van Ian Andrew Troi, de overleden man van Lwaxana en had hun dochter Deanna van kinds af aan zien opgroeien. Hij vertelde Lwaxana eens dat hij een neefje had waarvan hij dacht dat het de geschikte man voor Deanna zou zijn. Aan het einde van 2366 was Grax de voorzitter van de tweejaarlijkse handelsovereenkomst conferentie die gehouden werd op Betazed. Alhoewel hij zich niet op zijn gemak voelde bij rassen waarvan de gedachten onleesbaar waren voor telepaten, nodigde hij de Ferengi uit voor de conferentie. Grax probeerde al twee dagen lang contact te krijgen met de USS Enterprise-D voordat het hem lukte om kapitein Jean-Luc Picard te vertellen dat William T. Riker, Deanna Troi en Lwaxana Troi vermist werden. Later assisteerde hij de bemanning van de Enterprise in het achterhalen van hun verblijfplaats. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")
- In 2327, Grax served as the liaison between the Betazed parliament and Starfleet during the installation of the planet's orbital defense systems. In this position, he met and became good friends with Starfleet officer Ian Andrew Troi, whom he would later introduce to his future wife, Lwaxana. (short story: "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned") In 2366, Grax was director of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference hosted by Betazed, and was the first to invite the Ferengi to this conference. (TNG episode: "Ménage à Troi")
- Reittan Grax was a prominent Betazoid official. He was an old friend of Lwaxana Troi's first husband and had known her daughter, Deanna Troi, since childhood. He once told Lwaxana that he had a nice nephew that she thought would make a good husband for Deanna. On stardate 30625.1, in 2328, Lwaxana wrote in her journal, "I'm so mad at Ian. I thought we were going to be alone, but he invited his buddy, Reittan and his girlfriend, along with us on our picnic. Not only does Reittan have dreadful taste in music, but his girlfriend has the most annoying laugh. I could barely tolerate her. Ian's going to get an earful." (TNG-R: "Dark Page" , okudagram) In late 2366, Grax was the director of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference held on Betazed. Despite being uncomfortable with species whose minds are unreadable by telepaths, Grax invited the Ferengi to this conference. Grax attempted to contact the USS Enterprise-D for two days before finally being able to inform Captain Jean-Luc Picard that William T. Riker, Deanna Troi, and Lwaxana Troi were missing. He later assisted the Enterprise-D's crew in determining their whereabouts. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" ) Grax visited the Enterprise-D again in 2370. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...") Reittan Grax was played by Rudolph Willrich. His appearance in "These Are the Voyages..." was due to stock footage reused from "Ménage à Troi". His costume was later worn by actor John Copage as a member of the Federation Archaeology Council in the episode "Qpid" .
- Reittan Grax était un fonctionnaire Bétazoïde. Il était un vieil ami du premier mari de Lwaxana Troi et connaissait sa fille Deanna Troi depuis son enfance. Il a, par le passé, indiqué à Lwaxana qu'il avait un neveu qui aurait fait un bon mari pour Deanna. Fin 2366, Grax était le directeur de la conférence d'accords commerciaux tenue sur Bétazed. Bien qu'il se sentait peu en confiance avec les espèces dont les esprits sont illisibles par des télépathes, Grax invita les Ferengis à cette conférence. Grax tenta de contacter l'USS Enterprise-D pendant deux jours, avant d'arriver à informer le capitaine Jean-Luc Picard que William T. Riker, Deanna Troi et Lwaxana Troi avaient disparus. Il aida alors l'équipage à les localiser. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")