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- There are twelve planets in the star system of the Twelve Colonies. They were settled by twelve tribes who left the planet Kobol in another star system following a disaster whose exact nature is unclear.
- Place planets as well as solar systems here but please follow the rules on the main page. If you do not want your own idea to be viewed by other people and to let them use it do not place it here. This article can be used to place both real life star systems/ planets as well as fictional star systems/ planets. For the fictional side please place it accordingly to a real life map such as if you make a planet orbiting a star in deep space but yet you placed it near Earth make it Alpha Centauri or another real life nearby star unless in your story the star was created or something at which time place your stories name next to the star system/ planet you made in parenthathes.
- Habitable planets in the Alliance-Union universe include:
* Cerdin
* Cyteen (Cyteen Station, Union)
* Downbelow (Pell Station, Alliance)
* Earth (Sol Station, Earth Company)
* Eversnow (Union)
* Gehenna (Union)
- Within each planetary system, there will usually only be one location to land / dock. Most often this will be a planet, but it may be a moon or starship instead. Many planets can be scanned from space for minerals or other collectibles, but not landed upon. There are even asteroids containing valuable metals or other objects hidden in the belts. Main article: Mass Effect System Guide For an alphabetical list of planets see (or the Planet Index).
- A list of known planets in the Galaxy.
- NAC Star Systems
- The following is a list of planets in Star Trek Online. The developers have shown several planets in early game pictures, and have stated that only planets in the Alpha Quadrant will be in the game at launch.
- There are 11 different types of planets in the game, but only 9 of those are able to support a Biodome on it. The 2 uninhabitable planet types are Gas Giants, & Tiny Planets. Gas Giants are about double the size of regular planets, & Tiny Planets are about a quarter the size of regular planets. The other 9 habitable planet types are:
* Arctic
* Desert
* Earthlike
* Greenhouse
* Mountainous
* Oceanic
* Paradise
* Rocky
* Volcanic Each Habitable Planet Type has a Unique Building that can be Constructed only on that Planet Type.
- Planets is the fourth stage of Master Extra in both Super Monkey Ball 2's and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe's challenge modes.
- The planets were created by the Elder Gods, who split the One Being through the use of the Kamidogus. Despite its separation, the One Being would subtly influence inhabitants of the planets to re-merge them back into its true form. When in some of these planets, Raiden's powers weaken. The fallowing is a section of planets and their rulers.
- Planets (originally Zai_) is one of the former Administrators of Minecraft Central.
- This page has information about the planets used in the roleplay from all Classic and Future RPGs. They are listed by RPG, then alphabetically.
- Planets (an acronym for Preservation and Long-term Access through Networked Services) was a four-year €15 million project co-funded by the European Commission. The project has developed a set of tools and services that will enable organizations to preserve their digital content for the long-term. The Planets project ended on May 31, 2010.
- This is a list of planets featured in the Tenchi Series
- In the future the human race has used up all of earth s resources. Now they must mine the moons of distant planets to gain Resource to support their fleets. The mining corporations fiercly defend their territory while try to push other corporations out of their way in the search of Resources. Planets is a free print and play game focused on turn-based tactics. This rulesheet contains additional modular rules that can be used by themselves together or just left out of the game These modular rules include the use of commander ships, planet moon discovery, the enviromental effect track.
- With diversity of climate and an abundant variety of life, this was the birthplace of humanity and is the central world of humanity. When it became overpopulated and decimated by warfare, humanity began to explore and colonize new planets. It is the headquarters of the United Colonial Nations.
- For all the hunks of rock and ice that populate the galaxy.
- Before beaming to a planet, you can choose to purchase Challenge Levels in order to increase the danger and enable Shard and Mod drops. Be careful, though, as Challenge Levels affect earlier planets much more than they do later planets.
- The chartered portions of the Jumpweb are big, and the unchartered ones are even bigger. Here is a list of the planets that have been mentioned in the publications:
- A planet is a large ball floating around in space, often in orbit of a sun. A planet - being a very large and mass object has a massive gravitational field hence keeping all the objects on earth and the moons orbit.
- The Imperium of Man is spread impossibly thin across an estimated two-thirds of the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The volume of space claimed in the name of the Emperor of Mankind contains hundreds of millions of stars, many host to their own planetary systems, and yet there are only an estimated million or so Planetary Governors occupying the thrones of the Imperium’s worlds. While it is true that some governors rule not just a single planet but an entire star system, and that other worlds have no governor at all, the fact is that the Imperium is stretched so thinly across the void that an interstellar traveller could make his way from one edge to the other, traversing a hundred thousand light years of space, and not once cross paths with a human being.
- Planets are celestial bodies that orbit stars. They exist in the Star Ocean series as settings for the action. Voluntary travel between planets is not possible in any game other than Star Ocean: The Last Hope, and usually, the party travels between planets as the plot progresses. Visited planets in the series are:
- While there are countless worlds in the Galaxy, the following planets (and moons) can be traveled to via the galaxy map on the player's personal starship, provided that their faction is not restricted from accessing the planet.
- In the short-lived Heroscape Marvel series, planets mentioned in the content of the units released are referring to the depiction of the specific planet in the Marvel continuity.
* Earth: The Earth origin for the heroes and villains of Heroscape Marvel is referring to the Earth-616 continuity where most of the Marvel stories originate. Abomination, Captain America, Doctor Doom, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Red Skull, and Spider-Man are from this version of Earth.
* Planet of the Symbiotes: Venom is the lone representative of this world. Heroscape Marvel seems to refer to the symbiote itself rather than Eddie Brock, its host.
* Titan, a moon of Saturn: Thanos is from the Eternal colony that exists on this moon.
* Zenn-La: Original planet of the Silver Surfer before it was destro
- There is a wide variety of planets in Granduniverse. They produce and consume many different goods. The amount they use is dependent on the population. It may vary from none to extremely high. The goods that are delivered here may increase the population massively. The pop will determine how much goods are used and made. The planets all share a certain of 8 hours like the structures of productions and consumption. All planets have services. Trade: Here you can sell or buy goods, depending on the planet type they may have a plentiful supply of some goods and need others.
- . Planets are big floating balls of rock and other stuff floating in space for no apparent reason. They usually are flying around a big ball of flatulence that makes heat for the planets. Most planets have an atmosphere around them that protects them from incoming rocks and other debris, but is annoyingly bad at keeping out giant alien spaceships of death. The atmosphere also keeps in the heat and air or whatever the hell inside of it that people breathe. The Grunt planet Balaho has methane inside of it and has weird fires that for some reason don't light the whole planet on fire. Other planets like Earth and Reach contain Oxygen.
- A planet is a celestial body floating in space. Planets can have many types of terrain, vegetation, and other unique features. Planets are defined through a planetary classification system. - Class-C planets are planets heavily polluted, but still sustain massive amounts of life. Metropolis Planet in the void is an example. NOT to be confused with Class-N. - Class-D planets are rocky planetoids and moons. - Class-H Planets are desert worlds. Bara Magna is an example of a Class-H planet. - Class-J planets are gas giants like Jupiter. - Class-K worlds are devoid of life, but can be terraformed.
- Byzantium Octaris, known as 'the planet of many colours', is the quintessential pleasure world, offering visitors both recuperative relaxation in pastoral retreats and utmost decadence in the cities which are a riot of neon and holographic entertainment displays, deliberately playing to the planets moniker. The Lord Governor, Tylus Rath, constantly seeks out new potential attractions from around the sector and imports them to expand the range of entertainments available on his world; music, for example, ranges from High Imperial Opera fit for the most refined noblemen and women to the discordant mutant-music 'Pound' played at deafening levels in the nightclubs and arena-complexes attended by navy spacers on leave.
- Planets are celestial bodies located within solar systems across the Universe. Current definitions by the International Astronomical Union define a planet as a body that is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibirum (nearly round) shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit or within another system.