Zamora is a country of the Hyborian Age.
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- Zamora
- Zamora
- Zamora
| - Zamora (Zamora in llingua Llïonesa, Zamora in English Language) ye la capital de la provincia de Zamora. Allúgase al norueste de la Península, cerca de la raya con Pertual. Percuérrela'l rieu Douru. Ye coñecida pul arte románicu, yá que ye la ciudá del mundiu que de xuru tien más iglesias nel sou centru urbanu, y pula cellebración de la Selmana Santa, fiesta llocal d'interés turísticu.
- Gegründet vom Volk der Zhemri, Jahrtausende vor Conans Ära. Es liegt südöstlich von Hyperborea, östlich von Brythunien und Corinthien, nördlich von Koth und Khauran und westlich der turanischen Steppe. Im Osten an den Grenzen zu Turan liegt das Kezankian-Gebirge. Das Kezankian geht im Westen in das Karpash-Gebirge über, welches Zamora von Corinthien und Koth trennt. Trotzdem verbinden mehrere Pässe Zamora mit dem Rest der Welt. Die Hauptstadt Zamoras ist Shadizar, direkt an der Straße der Könige gelegen. Kategorie:Länder
- Zamora is a country of the Hyborian Age.
- Zamora invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* ville de Castille-La Manche, capitale d'une province d'Espagne, située près de la frontière avec le Portugal 2.
* nom de famille
* gentilé : zamorense
- Zamora is the daughter of Zamorak when he wasn't a god yet. Noone, not even Zamora herself, knows who her mother was, but she was probably human, because Zamora is human as well, and Zamorak wasn't. After Zamorak became a god he made his daughter invincible to any kind of attack or disease, and even age. This is the reason that she is still alive today, although her current location is unknown.
- Southeast of Hyperborea, descendants of a pre-cataclysmic nation founded Zamora. The founding nation was a hybrid group called Zhemri, but their descendants are called Zamorans or Zamorians. Since time out of mind, Zamora has stood as a pround and independent nation. In more primitive days, the warlike Hybori could never quite conquer it, so they settled down to form kingdoms of their own. During Conan's times, Zamora stands poised uneasily, between the Hyboreans and the rising empire of Turan to the east. Thus, mercenary armies, with their dubious loyalty, are not allowed within its cities' walls, and are made to feel unwelcomed even in the hinterlands.
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| - Marjorie Liu; Sana Takeda
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| - Presumed to be Half-human, Half-Mahjarrat
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - Zamora (Zamora in llingua Llïonesa, Zamora in English Language) ye la capital de la provincia de Zamora. Allúgase al norueste de la Península, cerca de la raya con Pertual. Percuérrela'l rieu Douru. Ye coñecida pul arte románicu, yá que ye la ciudá del mundiu que de xuru tien más iglesias nel sou centru urbanu, y pula cellebración de la Selmana Santa, fiesta llocal d'interés turísticu.
- Gegründet vom Volk der Zhemri, Jahrtausende vor Conans Ära. Es liegt südöstlich von Hyperborea, östlich von Brythunien und Corinthien, nördlich von Koth und Khauran und westlich der turanischen Steppe. Im Osten an den Grenzen zu Turan liegt das Kezankian-Gebirge. Das Kezankian geht im Westen in das Karpash-Gebirge über, welches Zamora von Corinthien und Koth trennt. Trotzdem verbinden mehrere Pässe Zamora mit dem Rest der Welt. Die Hauptstadt Zamoras ist Shadizar, direkt an der Straße der Könige gelegen. Kategorie:Länder
- Zamora is a country of the Hyborian Age.
- Zamora invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* ville de Castille-La Manche, capitale d'une province d'Espagne, située près de la frontière avec le Portugal 2.
* nom de famille
* gentilé : zamorense
- Southeast of Hyperborea, descendants of a pre-cataclysmic nation founded Zamora. The founding nation was a hybrid group called Zhemri, but their descendants are called Zamorans or Zamorians. Since time out of mind, Zamora has stood as a pround and independent nation. In more primitive days, the warlike Hybori could never quite conquer it, so they settled down to form kingdoms of their own. During Conan's times, Zamora stands poised uneasily, between the Hyboreans and the rising empire of Turan to the east. Thus, mercenary armies, with their dubious loyalty, are not allowed within its cities' walls, and are made to feel unwelcomed even in the hinterlands. There is no known state-religion. The city of Arenjun worships Bel the god of thieves, that of Yezud worships a Spider-God. Yezud's religious ceremonies include human sacrifice and "orgiastic rites". The better known Arenjun, City of Thieves, is a crossroads for thieves and hired killers from all countries. The capital city is Shadizar, "the City of Wickedness", which attracts those seeking a variety of vices. Fleeing from Yezud, all the seekers of the amulet of Tolometh received a different vision of the place where each shard was hidden. At the foot of the Zamoran steppes, Conan was assaulted by a kid named Veden Kamal, wanting revenge for his three older brothers, who were killed in battle by the Cimmerian. Wishing to learn swordsmanship from Conan, Veden Kamal offered to guide him to the Jewelled Sword of Tem, and escorted the barbarian to Maheeva's roost, who told them the way to retrieve the magical artifact. Some time later, in an oasis not far from Shadizar where the Free Companions set up their camp, Conan was kidnapped by the assassins of the Night Cult and brought back to their wooden temple in the capital. He was then grabbed by the Night-Goddess, who flew him off to her cave, where she planned on mating with him, then feeding him to her young. Conan was at first enraptured by her hypnotic gaze, but he managed to overpower her control and ultimately destroyed her. When Conan finally returned to the mercenary camp, he discovered to have been replaced by Milo as the new captain of the Free Companions. He was then captured and then left to his own fate, tied to a running horse. A dying Conan was eventually found and healed by Turghol, who was riding towards the Kezankian Pass.
- Zamora is the daughter of Zamorak when he wasn't a god yet. Noone, not even Zamora herself, knows who her mother was, but she was probably human, because Zamora is human as well, and Zamorak wasn't. After Zamorak became a god he made his daughter invincible to any kind of attack or disease, and even age. This is the reason that she is still alive today, although her current location is unknown.
is BaseOfOperations
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