| - Zkazztangiloriogna'Kjagartinayaa was the God of Chaos of the N'Akkiarlian religion who was almost always regarded as an "Evil God" - who needed to be worshipped to keep him from becoming enraged and exterminating all life in the universe. Temple paintings and statues depict him as an unimaginably massive dragon capable of flying through space. It was believed that were he not kept happy with sacrifices and obedience then he would fly through-out the universe and set fire to every world with his breath. They also believed he had the ability to turn any mortal into a dragon to serve him for eternity. The N'Akkiarlians believed the mortal N'Akkiarlian Dragons were Zkazztangiloriogna'Kjagartinayaa's servants, his "Legions" and therefore they tried to be as nice as possible to them so they would not tell their omnipotent "master" that the N'Akkiarlians were not being obedient to him and his power. They also tried to be as nice as possible to the Dragons because they believed that they were fellow N'Akkiarlians who had been turned into dragons by Zkazztangiloriogna'Kjagartinayaa so they would serve him for eternity. According to a very ancient legend Zkazztangiloriogna lived in a huge palace made from one giant chunk of crystal which was located at the very centre of the universe - the very centre of the N'Akkiarl Galaxy. Another very old legend tells of how at the very beginning of the universe he and his parents, the God of Everything, Sjzeki and the Goddes of Everything, Kazi, duelled over control of the universe. Sjzeki and Kazi wanted the universe so life could live in peace and harmony but Zkazztangiloriogna wanted the universe so he could enslave all life in the entire universe and be the most powerful existence in the universe, with an unlimited number of slaves toiling for him and with power to control the creation and destruction of entire galaxies and even parallel universes his power would be beyond that imaginable by mortals. However Sjzeki and Kazi defeated him and Zkazztangiloriogna was banished to the chaotic regions beyond the edges of the universe (known as "Hell" by the N'Akkiarlians) for several billion years. To ensure he could not have the ability enslave everything in the universe after he was allowed back Sjzeki and Kazi took away most of his powers, though he still had the power to enslave smaller numbers of mortals. And Father Sjzeki and Mother Kazi defeated their evil son and they banished him to depths of Hell, beyond the reaches of everything which could be seen and touched, where he was banished until his parents allowed him back into existance, with his powers removed.—A bit of the story on the Creation of Everything, telling what happened to Zkazztangiloriogna'Kjagartinayaa after his parents defeated him Zkazztangiloriogna waited patiently beyond the edges of the universe for several billion years until Sjzeki and Kazi allowed him back, upon his return he built his huge crystalline palace out of a single chunk of crystal as big as a star and lived there, using his limited powers to cause much misery and chaos to the free mortals which were very nearly owned by him. In his moods he would whip up storms, droughts, famines, eclipses and such "chaotic" conditions to punish his would-be slaves for being free. After being allowed back and building his cystal palace he took a wife called Xzakka, the Goddess of Chaos (also known as the Mother of Evil), like her peaceful, good-natured counterpart, Kazi, Xzakka was also a mother, to the Evil Gods and those mortals who served them. To the N'Akkiarlians who followed the Evil Gods Xzakka was their "mother", rather than Kazi as most N'Akkiarlians believed. Zkazztangiloriogna'Kjagartinayaa is one of the oldest gods ever heard of, he has been worshipped and feared for over 1,000,000 years, monuments of him have been found which date back to the Pre-Civilisation Kingdom, over 1,000,000 years ago!—A N'Akkiarlian archaeologist on Zkazztangiloriogna'Kjagartinayaa