| - Uplift (specifically biological uplift) is the act of an advanced civilization helping the development of another species. The xel'naga carried out this process multiple times as part of their cycle of reproduction, choosing two species that possessed purity of essence and purity of form. After seeding life in the Milky Way, the xel'naga returned to the jungle world of Aiur and began uplifting the protoss. Over the eons, they watched and secretly molded them and then moving on to the zerg, but their plans went awry.
- Uplift, also known as War Games Map_Set/: 320-91 is a medium/large sized Halo 2 Vista multiplayer map.
- Uplift รจ una mappa multiplayer esclusiva per Halo 2 Vista disponobile nell'Hired Gun Map Pack
- Uplift is a 1st-level Yellow Element in Chrono Cross. When cast, the character telekinetically lifts a section of the floor and hurls it at a single opponent, causing light Earth-type damage. Uplift can be acquired by receiving the free Komodo Scale in Arni and giving it to Kiki's boyfriend.
- Uplift is a monk ability learned at level 62 for those with the Mistweaver specialization. It heals targets for an additional amount, provided they are already under the effects of [Renewing Mist].
- The Uplift Series is a science-fiction series created by author David Brin. Several centuries into the future, humanity has matured as a species, cleaned up the Earth, more-or-less achieved world peace, and even used genetic engineering to bestow sapience on chimpanzees and bottlenose dolphins. However, Earthlings make contact with an intergalactic, multi-species alien civilization, and find out that they're extremely primitive by "Galactic" standards. Every other spacefaring species got where it is by being "uplifted" by a patron race, and were handed amazingly advanced technology on a silver platter. Many species consider humanity's belief that they evolved sapience without genetic engineering to be a blasphemy worthy of extinction or enslavement.
- Designed for heavy lifting, Uplift has tremendous strength and a sturdy frame. Slightly shorter and noticeably wider than most Transformers he tends to feel others look down on him. He is timid and self-conscious about his lack of dexterity and combat skills, but he strives to live up to the example of more heroic Autobots. His eagerness to prove himself combined with his clumsiness and unrefined strength tends to make situations worse than they started. His time in the maintenance staff has give him knowledge of repairs, especially pertaining to shuttles and weaponry, although he's usually regulated to menial tasks far away from anything delicate. Uplift transforms into a forklift-equipped front end loader. This mode can barely reach highway speeds on the open road, but his large, all-ter