Digimon Tamers 1984 is a short story written by Chiaki J. Konaka, the screenwriter for Digimon Tamers, and illustrated by Kenji Watanabe. It was published in Volume 5 of SF Japan in 2002. It was written more for the adult fans of the Tamers saga, and revolves around the creation of the original Digimon by the Monster Makers at Palo Alto University in the late 1980's. It focused on the roles and thoughts of each Monster Maker in the project and dealt largely with the philosophical and technological issues surrounding the creation of artificial intelligence.
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| - Digimon Tamers 1984
- Digimon Tamers 1984
| - Digimon Tamers 1984 is a short story written by Chiaki J. Konaka, the screenwriter for Digimon Tamers, and illustrated by Kenji Watanabe. It was published in Volume 5 of SF Japan in 2002. It was written more for the adult fans of the Tamers saga, and revolves around the creation of the original Digimon by the Monster Makers at Palo Alto University in the late 1980's. It focused on the roles and thoughts of each Monster Maker in the project and dealt largely with the philosophical and technological issues surrounding the creation of artificial intelligence.
- thumb|Portada Digimon Tamers 1984 es la precuela oficial de Digimon Tamers. Escrita por Chiaki J. Konaka (guionista de Digimon Tamers) e ilustrada por Kenji Watanabe. Fue publicada en el volumen 5 de SF Japan en 2002. Estuvo orientada a los fans más adultos, y gira en torno de la creación del Mundo Digital, a finales de los 80. Se centró en las funciones y pensamientos de los creadores del proyecto, y se refirió mayormente a los problemas filosóficos y tecnológicos relacionados con la creación de la inteligencia artificial.
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| - * Garurumon
* Kuwagamon
- Aparecen otros dos Digimon, sin identificar.
- * Daisy
* Jiang-yu Lee
* Babel
* Curly
* Rob McCoy
* Gorou Mizuno
* Keith McCoy
| - Digimon Tamers 1984 is a short story written by Chiaki J. Konaka, the screenwriter for Digimon Tamers, and illustrated by Kenji Watanabe. It was published in Volume 5 of SF Japan in 2002. It was written more for the adult fans of the Tamers saga, and revolves around the creation of the original Digimon by the Monster Makers at Palo Alto University in the late 1980's. It focused on the roles and thoughts of each Monster Maker in the project and dealt largely with the philosophical and technological issues surrounding the creation of artificial intelligence.
- thumb|Portada Digimon Tamers 1984 es la precuela oficial de Digimon Tamers. Escrita por Chiaki J. Konaka (guionista de Digimon Tamers) e ilustrada por Kenji Watanabe. Fue publicada en el volumen 5 de SF Japan en 2002. Estuvo orientada a los fans más adultos, y gira en torno de la creación del Mundo Digital, a finales de los 80. Se centró en las funciones y pensamientos de los creadores del proyecto, y se refirió mayormente a los problemas filosóficos y tecnológicos relacionados con la creación de la inteligencia artificial.