The Anomids, pale-skinned humanoids native to Yablari, were among the galaxy's wealthiest societies, thanks to their natural technical aptitude. Anomids had long been part of the Galactic Republic, and were seen throughout the populated galaxy as technicians, explorers, or tourists.
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| - The Anomids, pale-skinned humanoids native to Yablari, were among the galaxy's wealthiest societies, thanks to their natural technical aptitude. Anomids had long been part of the Galactic Republic, and were seen throughout the populated galaxy as technicians, explorers, or tourists.
- The Anomids were a sentient species from Yablari. Because they lacked vocal chords, they communicated with one another through a sophisticated and subtle combination of hand and body language. For the purpose of interacting with other species, they wore concealing vocoder masks that transformed their subvocal harmonics into audible speech. During the Age of the Empire, they were routinely searched for fear that their traditional headgear was disguising wanted fugitives. Silvanie Phest, a female member of the species, was part of an Anomid colony converted to the Disciples of the Whills shortly before the destruction of Jedha City.
- Los Anomids eran humanoides de piel palida nativos de Yablari, se encontraban entre las sociedades mas ricas de la galaxia, gracias a sus aptitudes técnicas por naturaleza. Los Anomids fueron por mucho tiempo parte de la Republica Galactica y fueron vistos por toda la galaxia poblada, como técnicos, exploradores o turistas.
- Anomid is the Order city of the Prophets on Dol Glorath. The Church of Darkness is one of two building within Anomid, a rocky, arid and deserted city which contains a force nexus, the trace of such force nexus is unknown, but the Prophets of the Dark Side are constantly trying to discover the source. The other building which lies within Anomid, is located in another mountain. It is an abandon temple styled after the Yavin-4 Massassi
- Anomid was the Order city of the Prophets on Dol Glorath. The Church of Darkness was one of two buildings within Anomid, a rocky, arid and deserted city which contained a Force Nexus, though the trace of such Force nexus was unknown; the Prophets of the dark side constantly tried to discover the source. The other building which lied within Anomi was located in another mountain. It was an abandoned temple styled after the Yavin-4 Massassi Temples. It was named The Temple of the Darkness, as homage to the dark side.
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| - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Celebration Reel
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- Anomidowie/Legendy
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| - Speak in subvocal harmonics
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| - The Anomids, pale-skinned humanoids native to Yablari, were among the galaxy's wealthiest societies, thanks to their natural technical aptitude. Anomids had long been part of the Galactic Republic, and were seen throughout the populated galaxy as technicians, explorers, or tourists.
- The Anomids were a sentient species from Yablari. Because they lacked vocal chords, they communicated with one another through a sophisticated and subtle combination of hand and body language. For the purpose of interacting with other species, they wore concealing vocoder masks that transformed their subvocal harmonics into audible speech. During the Age of the Empire, they were routinely searched for fear that their traditional headgear was disguising wanted fugitives. Silvanie Phest, a female member of the species, was part of an Anomid colony converted to the Disciples of the Whills shortly before the destruction of Jedha City.
- Anomid was the Order city of the Prophets on Dol Glorath. The Church of Darkness was one of two buildings within Anomid, a rocky, arid and deserted city which contained a Force Nexus, though the trace of such Force nexus was unknown; the Prophets of the dark side constantly tried to discover the source. The other building which lied within Anomi was located in another mountain. It was an abandoned temple styled after the Yavin-4 Massassi Temples. It was named The Temple of the Darkness, as homage to the dark side. Anomid got its name from the pale skinned humanoid race native to Yablari. The city of Anomid was located 36.7 miles from the Capital. Anomid was 53.8 miles in length. Supreme Prophet Stap Aaair Praxeum founded the city of Anomid with permission from the Emperor Dracule, due to its Force Nexus. 97% of Anomid was covered with a dry, barren, mountainous area with the other 3% percent it covered in volcanic area, making the Church of Darkness accessible only through starship.
- Anomid is the Order city of the Prophets on Dol Glorath. The Church of Darkness is one of two building within Anomid, a rocky, arid and deserted city which contains a force nexus, the trace of such force nexus is unknown, but the Prophets of the Dark Side are constantly trying to discover the source. The other building which lies within Anomid, is located in another mountain. It is an abandon temple styled after the Yavin-4 Massassi Temples, it is named The Temple of the Darkness, as homeage to the Dark Side. Anomid gets its name from the pale skinned humanoid race native to Yablari. The city of Anomid is located 36.7 miles from the Capital. Anomid is 53.8 miles in length. Supreme Prophet Stap Aaair Praxeum founded the city of Anomid with permission from the Emperor Dracule, due to its force nexus. 97% of Anomid is covered with a dry, barren, mountainous area with the other 3% percent it covered in volcanic area, making the Church of Darkness accessible only through starship.
- Los Anomids eran humanoides de piel palida nativos de Yablari, se encontraban entre las sociedades mas ricas de la galaxia, gracias a sus aptitudes técnicas por naturaleza. Los Anomids fueron por mucho tiempo parte de la Republica Galactica y fueron vistos por toda la galaxia poblada, como técnicos, exploradores o turistas.
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