Attributes | Values |
| - Nathaniel Ronald (Earth-2024)
| - Nathaniel possessed the strength of an average man.
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| - Unnamed Father - Deceased
Unnamed Mother - Deceased
Lucinda Ronald
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| - Skilled Swordsman: Nathaniel can wield a sword to fight off any of his opponent.
Skilled Detective skills: He considers himself a detective, albeit more focused on the supernatural cases. He has great deduction powers, often using magic to get to the bottom of mysteries.
Indomitable will: Nathaniel can survive through numerous bodily harm, excruciating pain, and can even walk out after torture.
Great Strategist: Even with pressure, lack of time and preparation, he can think of a strategy to defeat his enemies in a fight, letting him outwit both Heaven and Hell while striking fear into them. He's a master tactician and strategist and he can plan a strategy on the go.
Occult Knowledge: Nathaniel has acquired extensive knowledge of the supernatural. Nathaniel is master of the dark arts and well versed in demonology. He has been studying the dark arts since his teenage years.
Expert Deception: He has a well known reputation of being a con man.
Expert Escape Artist: Nathaniel has shown that he can effortlessly break free from anything.
Expert Combattant:Nathaniel was able to knock out two opponent thanks to his great abilities in close fightning.
Multilingual: He can perform spells in Italian so it can be presumed he know the language fluently. It may also be presumed he knows Arabic, due to being able to read it.
Extra sensory awareness
| - Exorcise, Old Bastard, Savior, Destroyer
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| - Magic: Nathaniel is a master of the dark arts and a skilled exorcist. Since his teenage years, He has accumulated vast knowledge of magic, and the occult. He is well-versed in various words and phrases of multiple ancient languages, such as Latin, which he will usually chant while performing certain rituals or incantations. Many incantations give him the ability to affect physical forces, such as the inner workings of mechanisms, and the movements of others, allowing him to move objects and control their motion and momentum with the proper incantation.
*Exorcism: He can exorcise spirits that are demonic or ghostly in origin from their hosts by chanting incantations.
*Necromancy: He mentioned that he mastered necromancy during his teenage years. With the help of his rival and villain, he was able to allow the spirt of the dead to move on to the afterlife. John is also capable of restoring a person's lost soul back into their body
*Summoning: Nathaniel can summon various entities, and even control them. He has summoned demons to fight other demons for him, and once summoned a demon into his body to protect himself.
*Magic Circles: Nathaniel uses magic circles that can be used as boundaries or traps for certain creatures.
*Pyrokinesis: He has the ability to ignite his hands, intimidating nearby threats and suffered no harmful effects from his hands being engulfed in flames.
*Magical protection: He has shown that he is resistant to many supernatural attacks. He also used a magical circle to protect him and his allies from a powerful demon, and conjured a spell to protect himself.
*Telekinesis: Nathaniel once telekinetically closed and locked a door. He also used this power on manifestation of hiss enemy, freezing his motion and suspending him helplessly in mid-air before killing it with a sword.
Interdimensional travel: He is able to travel through out every dimensional such as Heaven and Hell.
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| - Exocrise, Private Detective
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| - My name is Nathaniel Ronald. I am the one who steps on the shadows, all trench coat and arrogance. I'll drive your demons away, kick 'em in the bollocks, and spit on them when they're down, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone because, let's be honest... who would be crazy enough to walk it with me?