| - In World of Warcraft, Orcish kennels can be found in many places such as in the Barrens, the Warsong Lumber Camp, and Zeth'Gor.
- Do note that the old kennels can't be thrown away or sold, so keep them in the vault. Arabian Kennel: Talk to a man outside of Iku's house in Le Buque. Beautiful Kennel: Found in the treasure chest in Mountain Path. Blue Kennel: Win it from Billy's card game (2000 potch bet). Castle Kennel: Found in the treasure chest in Northern Cavern. Orange Kennel: Talk to the lone duck at Alma Kinan. Yellow Kennel: Always found the first time you search the corpse near the save state on Mt. Hei-Tou.
- Soo's sorting out her clothes and Sweep's reading his comic, but doesn't say good morning back to Matthew and Soo tells him he should say good morning back and to wave as well. Then they both wave at Sooty. Matthew's reading a book called auctioneering made easy, but Scampi's sad that everyone's waving at each other, but he's got no one to wave to, so Matthew waves to him. Matthew holds an auction at Sooty & Co and tells Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi not to wave during the auction, as it means they're making a bid and he doesn't want them to buy something they might not want. Soo starts the auction, but Sweep waves his hand and he wins the stock of the shop. Then Matthew says some of the things have been left out on the list of items he's selling and the bidding continues and then Sooty mak
| - In World of Warcraft, Orcish kennels can be found in many places such as in the Barrens, the Warsong Lumber Camp, and Zeth'Gor.
- Soo's sorting out her clothes and Sweep's reading his comic, but doesn't say good morning back to Matthew and Soo tells him he should say good morning back and to wave as well. Then they both wave at Sooty. Matthew's reading a book called auctioneering made easy, but Scampi's sad that everyone's waving at each other, but he's got no one to wave to, so Matthew waves to him. Matthew holds an auction at Sooty & Co and tells Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi not to wave during the auction, as it means they're making a bid and he doesn't want them to buy something they might not want. Soo starts the auction, but Sweep waves his hand and he wins the stock of the shop. Then Matthew says some of the things have been left out on the list of items he's selling and the bidding continues and then Sooty makes a finial bid and wins everything, so Matthew's not very happy. He decides to open kennels at the shop, and Sooty, Soo, Sweep and Little Cousin Scampi help out on a test run with some toy dogs, but not everything goes well Mo brings her dog Harry to the shop and they give him the 5 star treatment. Matthew checks the list and realises they've forgotten to trim around his eyes so Sweep says he'll do it and then he brings his friend Morris in the shop, but Mo think it's Harry's hairless, and then Sooty brings Harry back and Mo is pleased that he's ok, but isn't very happy and leaves. Sooty, Sweep, Soo and Scampi go to sleep and Matthew and Soo sing "Business As Usual".
- Do note that the old kennels can't be thrown away or sold, so keep them in the vault. Arabian Kennel: Talk to a man outside of Iku's house in Le Buque. Beautiful Kennel: Found in the treasure chest in Mountain Path. Blue Kennel: Win it from Billy's card game (2000 potch bet). Castle Kennel: Found in the treasure chest in Northern Cavern. Orange Kennel: Talk to the lone duck at Alma Kinan. Yellow Kennel: Always found the first time you search the corpse near the save state on Mt. Hei-Tou.