Following the aftermath of Operation Black Eden, the remnants of the United States military and the Special Research Projects Administration (S.R.P.A.) mounted a desperate but disastrous attempt to destroy New York's Chimeran Tower and prevent the Chimera from terraforming Earth, however the assault turned into a massacre for the American forces who barely penetrated the Tower before being wiped out by Chimeran defenses. This assault marks the end of the Invasion of the United States and S.R.P.A. and the beginning of the overall Chimeran occupation of the country.
Attributes | Values |
| - Assault on the New York Tower
| - Following the aftermath of Operation Black Eden, the remnants of the United States military and the Special Research Projects Administration (S.R.P.A.) mounted a desperate but disastrous attempt to destroy New York's Chimeran Tower and prevent the Chimera from terraforming Earth, however the assault turned into a massacre for the American forces who barely penetrated the Tower before being wiped out by Chimeran defenses. This assault marks the end of the Invasion of the United States and S.R.P.A. and the beginning of the overall Chimeran occupation of the country.
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| - Massive
*More than a thousand soldiers were killed, mostly Black Ops, Freedom First rebels and Sentinels
US Vehicles/Arsenals:
*Hugh numbers of C-130 Hercules, F-86 Sabres, LU-P Lynx APVs, M-12 Sabertooth tanks, M35 transport trucks and U/AV-17 Hawks VTOL were lost
- Medium:
*Some of the Chimera Strains were killed
Chimeran Vehicles/Arsenals:
*Several Drones were destroyed
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| - Assault on the New York Tower
| - Unknown
- *President Thomas Voss
*Dr. Fyodor Malikov
*Cpt. Marvin Kawecki
| - Strategical Chimeran Victory
*United States Armed Forces crushed
*Beginning of full Chimeran Occupation of the United States
| - United States Armed Forces
*Thousands of soldiers and ex-soldiers
*Black Ops
**Oscar Company
**Victor Company
*All Teams
Freedom First
*New York Branch
Human Vehicles
*C-130 Hercules
*F-86 Sabres
*LU-P Lynx APVs
*M-12 Sabertooth
*M35 transport trucks
*U/AV-17 Hawk
- Chimeran Strains:
Chimeran Vehicles/Arsenals:
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| - Following the aftermath of Operation Black Eden, the remnants of the United States military and the Special Research Projects Administration (S.R.P.A.) mounted a desperate but disastrous attempt to destroy New York's Chimeran Tower and prevent the Chimera from terraforming Earth, however the assault turned into a massacre for the American forces who barely penetrated the Tower before being wiped out by Chimeran defenses. This assault marks the end of the Invasion of the United States and S.R.P.A. and the beginning of the overall Chimeran occupation of the country.
is Battles
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