| - An enemy is visibly "primed" for a combo when they glow a certain color/texture, which corresponds to what combo they have been primed: violet for biotic, red for fire, electric sparks for tech, and a white "chill" effect for cryo. Not all enemies display this texture for whatever reason; for example an Atlas primed for a fire explosion will not actually glow red. The priming duration varies from power to power. Some powers prime for only a short period of time (such as Overload or a Sabotage backfire), some powers prime for an extended period of time (such as Warp). Powers with durations may prime for their full duration (such as enemies lifted by Singularity) or a fixed subset (Sabotage's Tech Vulnerability evolution will not extend the priming duration to 10 seconds, for example). It should be noted that the passive class powers which increase power duration do not affect the priming duration of powers which do not prime for their full duration such as Incinerate with rank 5 Burning Damage, or powers with no duration such as Overload. Some powers have caveats for successfully priming or detonating. For example, Energy Drain cannot be used to detonate organic targets which lack shields/barriers and in single-player, Singularity will not prime enemies that are not lifted. Additionally, some powers must be evolved in a certain way in order to make them able to prime and/or detonate power combos. Generally speaking, powers with areas of effect can prime multiple enemies at once. However, aside from a small number of exceptions (such as Overload and Biotic Sphere) only one enemy can be detonated at once. Moreover, detonations will not set off other combos. Some powers can be both sources and detonators, but any combo must be composed of a different source and detonator - for example, you cannot detonate Warp with another Warp, but Reave and Warp will detonate each other in any order. Area-of-effect powers can set up multiple combos (one on each affected target), but can only detonate one combo per use, or per projectile launched if more than one (e.g. single-player Throw or Cluster Grenade). Note: In the lists below, powers marked with an asterisk (*) have rank evolutions that can increase biotic explosion, tech burst, fire explosion, or cryo explosion damage. This increases the effective level of the power by at least 50%, whether used as source or detonator, with damage bonuses stacking if both powers have the applicable combo damage-increasing evolutions.