| - The Treehouse of Horror XXV Event was the 11th major event and the 3rd of the Treehouse of Horror events since the game's release. It was released on October 7, 2014, immediately following the end of the Clash of Clones 2014 Event. The Event was unique in that it had three different parts with a different prize track for each part. Each part was only available for twelve days. File:Screenshot 2014-10-08-00-52-46 kindlephoto-26629759.jpg The main quest for this Event was Free Hugs, the quest continued with The Whole Truth after the second set of prizes were unlocked and Alienation with the third set. This Event also brought an update to the store. The new menu was much larger than the previous one. Clicking on the Characters, Buildings or Decorations section opens and reacts like before where players can slide it right and left to view items. A new way of sorting was also added with 3 icons: character, buildings and decorations. The Character icon showed any character that has not been unlocked; these include both individual characters and ones that come with buildings. The Buildings icon included businesses, houses, civic, and aspirational. The Decorations icon included land & roads, nature, walls, and leisure. The new store also recommended purchases, featuring items that would complete quests or the game just "randomly thought you might like this." Each part of the event had its own currency: Probes, Ray Guns, and Long Protein Strings. Once a new currency was released, the prizes from the previous currency would be available by crafting. Each currency was available for twelve days starting from October 7th through the end of the event, with the exception of the Protein Strands which, once implemented, remained until the end of the event. The player could also receive Ammo which was used in friends' towns to shoot down UFOs which the player received rewards from. Ammo is obtainable through Treat Bags, could be bought in the store, or received from the Ray Gun. A leaderboard system was put in place. This gave players points based on how many Grem-Aliens players caught in their own towns as well as how many they placed in neighbors' towns. Each Grem-Alien players squished earned 15 points. Each one players placed in a friend's town earned 10 points, and if the friend didn't squish it within 4 hours players got an additional 20 points. If they did squish it in time, the friend got 15 points. The leaderboard could also be used to travel to other towns by clicking on the player's origin name. This event added the ability to place the decorations from the Clash of Clones Event in Krustyland.