| - Pompeii was a city in Italy on Earth that was destroyed when Mount Vesuvius, a volcano, erupted. When Antonio Delgado was trying to convince the Chronal Assessment Committee to allow him to use the Guardian of Forever for time travel research, Delgado proposed travelling to Pompeii before Vesuvius erupted as a way of containing any possible damage to the timeline. (DTI novel: Forgotten History)
- Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city. It was mostly destroyed and buried under 13 to 20 ft of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Dr. Daniel Jackson compared what was happening on the planet Tollan to what happened at Pompeii. (SG1: "Enigma")
- Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city. Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, were destroyed and buried under layers of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
- When the Phantom Zone criminals were going to make Mount Vesuvius erupt, Robin says: "Holy Pompeii."
- Pompeii is an ancient city in Italy.
- Pompeii is a dual Psychic-Steel type Pokemon featured in Pokemon Granite and Mica Versions. According to legend, it is the sister to Mimiko. It has some connection with Jirachi. == Biology== === Physiology=== Pompeii is a small humanoid Pokemon. It has stubby legs and prefers to float.Pompeii appears to have sleeves. It has a green headdress and blue wish tags on it.Pompeii also has green streamers that make the Pokemon look like a comet.
- Pompeii is an upcoming American film co-written, produced and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. The film stars Kit Harington, Emily Browning, and Kiefer Sutherland. It is scededuled to be released in February of 2014.
- Pompeii was the home of a Roman general, later (and better) known as Lucien LaCroix. In 79 A.D., he returned from a campaign against rebels in Gaul. He commissioned a marble bust of himself; and, shortly after a party in honour of his return, was in his house when the volcano began to erupt. At this point, his daughter, Divia, came to him with an offer: if he wished to live, she would turn him into a vampire. He agreed; and the two of them managed to escape the city before its total destruction.
- Pompeii was a city in Italy remembered for its destruction by the volcano Vesuvius in the 1st century. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii; AUDIO: The Fires of Vulcan)
- Pompeii is a city in Rome. It is located on the flanks of Vesuvius. Famous Adventurer once visited the city. He had a bad feeling just before Vesuvius blew. He was able to escape with his life.
- Pompeii is a town in Italy near the volcano Vesuvius. Pompeii is mentioned several times in the Cahills vs. Vespers series. It is mentioned in Grace's notebook, where it says 'V 79 Pliny described first test' This is referring to the eruption of Vesuvius being caused by a test of the Doomsday Device.. It is also on the list of cities that William McIntyre stuffed in his shoe. In The Dead Of Night, Hamilton, Jonah and Erasmus go there to look for clues. It is a possible stronghold for the Vespers or Guardians.
- Pompeii (ポンペイ, Ponpei) was a Arechian village, and famed for it's rich in land, and also a important trade post. It was then destroyed during the Arechi Great War, along with its sister village, Herculaneum.
- Pompeii is an upcoming American film co-written, produced and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, the film stars Kit Harington, Emily Browning, and Kiefer Sutherland. It is scheduled to be released in February 2014.
- 此外,它還是:
* 《皮巴弟先生與薛曼的時光冒險》的預告配樂
* 被Youtube一些使用者當作電影片段的配樂
- Todd: You ever have one of those songs you have no idea what you think about it? Video for "Pompeii" Dan Smith: But if you close your eyes Todd (VO): Yeah, this is one of them for me. I don't know if I should take it seriously because it certainly takes itself seriously, but it's backed up with the one of the goofiest gimmicks I've heard in years; and I don't know if I like it because it's certainly catchy and there's nothing wrong with it, but it's also maybe more grandiose than they can justify; and I don't know how to contextualize it because I have no idea where it fits in with the modern music scene, so I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be comparing it to.
- thumb|300px|Im Schatten des Vesuv: PompeiiPompeji (lateinisch Pompeii) war eine antike Stadt in Italien, am Golf von Neapel gelegen, die beim Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. untergegangen ist. Zwei Mal besucht der Siebte Doctor die Stadt Pompeii kurz vor dem verheerenden Vulkanausbruch im August 79: einmal in dem Hörspiel The Fires of Vulcan mit Melanie Bush und einmal in dem Roman The Algebra of Ice mit Ace.