| - un buen hombre y muy chingon amigo,se le queria y respetaba lo vamos a extrañar la neta SALUD! Categoría:PNJ Categoría:PNJ de Misión Categoría:PNJ de Miembros Categoría:Mahjarrat
- Mahjarat Jhallan...... Jhallan oli yksi vanhimmista Mahjarrateista ,sillä tehtävässä hän kertoo muistavansa vielä wildernessin kukoistavan.. Jhallan kertoo myös olleensa paikalla kun Zamorak veti esiin Armadyllin sauvan ja iski Zarosta.. Tämän jälkeen Jhallan pelästyi omaaa tuhoaan ja pakeni kaus jäävuorien alle. Jhallahin tapaa mini tehtävässä Tail of muspah. Luokka:Mahjarrat
- Jhallan was a relatively weak Zarosian Mahjarrat who was not held in high regards by most others of his kin.. He is first encountered during The Tale of the Muspah in the form of a Muspah. Jhallan was relatively pacifistic, and hid under the Mahjarrat Ritual Site in a block of ice to avoid being sacrificed in the next Ritual of Rejuvenation. This proved to be fruitless, however, as he ended up getting sacrificed by Lucien at the eighteenth Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
- Jhallan was a relatively weak Zarosian Mahjarrat who was not held in high regards by most others of his kin. He is first encountered during The Tale of the Muspah in the form of a Muspah. Jhallan was relatively pacifistic, and hid under the Mahjarrat Ritual Site in a block of ice to avoid being sacrificed in the next Ritual of Rejuvenation. This proved to be a fruitless effort, however, as he was ultimately sacrificed by Lucien at the eighteenth Ritual.
- Jhallan é um Mahjarrat Zarosiano descrito como alguém fraco e covarde por outros da mesma espécie. Tendo milhares de anos, Jhallan parece ter tendências pacifistas, embora haja de forma rude e cruel para com os outros. Uma prova disso é ele tentar se rejuvenescer escondendo-se embaixo do local do Ritual Mahjarrat, assim não precisando participar da decisão sobre quem precisaria ser sacrificado. Tal estratégia mostrou-se falha, uma vez que Lucien descobriu-o e matou-o, fazendo Jhallan a vítima do Décimo Oitavo Ritual Mahjarrat.
- Net als andere Mahjarrats kwam Jhallan van de planeet Freneskae waar hij werd weggehaald door de woestijn god Icthlarin. Hij bracht Jhallan en de andere Mahjarrats naar Gielinor en gebruikte ze waarschijnlijk als slaven.