Bugs N' Daffy, usually named The Bugs N' Daffy Show (formerly called That's Warner Bros.! until 1996), was an animated anthology series for the block Kids WB!. The series focused on Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, two characters from Warner Bros. Animation that appeared from the 1940s to the 1960s in animated shorts. The series ran from the Kids WB! launch 1995 until 1999 when Kids WB! stopped airing many cartoons based on Warner Bros. characters due to the popularity of the anime series Pokémon. One season of That's Warner Bros.! was produced with 65 episodes, while Bugs N' Daffy got two seasons of 65 episodes each. Each contained three shorts and one "Hip Clip", an excerpt from another cartoon used as time filler. Many of the shorts had already aired on Nickelodeon.
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| - Bugs N' Daffy, usually named The Bugs N' Daffy Show (formerly called That's Warner Bros.! until 1996), was an animated anthology series for the block Kids WB!. The series focused on Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, two characters from Warner Bros. Animation that appeared from the 1940s to the 1960s in animated shorts. The series ran from the Kids WB! launch 1995 until 1999 when Kids WB! stopped airing many cartoons based on Warner Bros. characters due to the popularity of the anime series Pokémon. One season of That's Warner Bros.! was produced with 65 episodes, while Bugs N' Daffy got two seasons of 65 episodes each. Each contained three shorts and one "Hip Clip", an excerpt from another cartoon used as time filler. Many of the shorts had already aired on Nickelodeon.
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| - Bugs N' Daffy, usually named The Bugs N' Daffy Show (formerly called That's Warner Bros.! until 1996), was an animated anthology series for the block Kids WB!. The series focused on Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, two characters from Warner Bros. Animation that appeared from the 1940s to the 1960s in animated shorts. The series ran from the Kids WB! launch 1995 until 1999 when Kids WB! stopped airing many cartoons based on Warner Bros. characters due to the popularity of the anime series Pokémon. One season of That's Warner Bros.! was produced with 65 episodes, while Bugs N' Daffy got two seasons of 65 episodes each. Each contained three shorts and one "Hip Clip", an excerpt from another cartoon used as time filler. Many of the shorts had already aired on Nickelodeon.