| - As the Knight of Ceifeed, Luna wields an immense amount of holy power. She can cut a Dragon Slave in half, and once defeated a plasma dragon with a kitchen knife. During Slayers TRY, Luna was the dragon priestess Filia Ul Copt's first choice to save the world from the prophecy of destruction. According to Hajime Kanzaka, Luna is more or less equal in power to, if perhaps somewhat stronger than Xelloss. It is not made entirely clear whether or not Luna is more powerful than Lina. Although Lina is plainly terrified of her older sister, during TRY, Luna thought Lina was a better candidate for saving the world from the prophecy of destruction. Luna currently works part-time as a waitress in her hometown of Zephilia. Her father is an ex-mercenary and her mother is an ex-sorceress.
- Name: Luna Inverse Gender: Female Age: Several years older than Lina, appears to be around 19 or 20 Classification: Human, Knight of Ceifeed Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, and durability, wields an immense amount of holy power, can attack astral bodies, skilled swordswoman, can shoot energy blasts, elemental manipulation, should be capable of flight Attack Potency: At least Small Country level (far superior to Lyos, and is around the same strength, if not a bit stronger than Xellos) Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ via powerscaling Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Class 5 Stamina: Unknown
| - As the Knight of Ceifeed, Luna wields an immense amount of holy power. She can cut a Dragon Slave in half, and once defeated a plasma dragon with a kitchen knife. During Slayers TRY, Luna was the dragon priestess Filia Ul Copt's first choice to save the world from the prophecy of destruction. According to Hajime Kanzaka, Luna is more or less equal in power to, if perhaps somewhat stronger than Xelloss. It is not made entirely clear whether or not Luna is more powerful than Lina. Although Lina is plainly terrified of her older sister, during TRY, Luna thought Lina was a better candidate for saving the world from the prophecy of destruction. Luna currently works part-time as a waitress in her hometown of Zephilia. Her father is an ex-mercenary and her mother is an ex-sorceress.
- Name: Luna Inverse Gender: Female Age: Several years older than Lina, appears to be around 19 or 20 Classification: Human, Knight of Ceifeed Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, and durability, wields an immense amount of holy power, can attack astral bodies, skilled swordswoman, can shoot energy blasts, elemental manipulation, should be capable of flight Attack Potency: At least Small Country level (far superior to Lyos, and is around the same strength, if not a bit stronger than Xellos) Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ via powerscaling Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Class 5 Striking Strength: Unknown, likely Large Town Class (defeated a Plasma Dragon with a kitchen knife, should be stronger than Erulogos, who pierced Almayce easily) Durability: Likely at least Island level (can casually cut Dragon Slaves in half, and is on the level of high-ranked Mazoku) Stamina: Unknown Range: Several hundred kilometers via powerscaling Standard Equipment: Unknown, presumably she has a holy sword with Ceifeed's power Intelligence: Very intelligent Weaknesses: Nothing notable Luna has few known feats, but it is known that as the Knight of Ceifeed, she is immensely powerful. She was Filia's first choice to fulfill the prophecy and save the world in Slayers TRY, but decided Lina should do it instead: