| - Uwaga: aby zobaczyć zmiany po zapisaniu, może zajść potrzeba odświeżenia pamięci podręcznej przeglądarki. Chrome - Windows: Przytrzymaj Ctrl i wciśnij F5. OS X: Przytrzymaj ⌘ Cmd oraz ⇧ Shift i wciśnij R. Safari - Przytrzymaj ⇧ Shift i kliknij na przycisk Odśwież na pasku narzędzi. Firefox - Windows: Przytrzymaj Ctrl i wciśnij F5. OS X: Przytrzymaj ⌘ Cmd oraz ⇧ Shift i wciśnij R. Internet Explorer - Przytrzymaj Ctrl i wciśnij F5 (lub kliknij przycisk Odśwież na pasku narzędzi). /* Umieszczony tutaj kod JavaScript zostanie załadowany przez każdego użytkownika, podczas każdego ładowania strony. */ /* */ // onload stuff var firstRun = true; function loadFunc() { if( firstRun ) { firstRun = false; } else { return; } window.pageName = wgPageName; window.storagePresent = (typeof(localStorage) != 'undefined'); // DEPRECATED if( document.getElementById('infoboxinternal') != null && document.getElementById('infoboxend') != null ) { document.getElementById('infoboxend').innerHTML = ''; } // Upload form - need to run before adding hide buttons if ( wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Upload' ) { setupUploadForm(); } addHideButtons(); if( document.getElementById('mp3-navlink') !== null ) { document.getElementById('mp3-navlink').onclick = onArticleNavClick; document.getElementById('mp3-navlink').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href = 'javascript:void(0)'; } if( window.storagePresent ) { initVisibility(); } fillEditSummaries(); fillPreloads(); substUsername(); substUsernameTOC(); rewriteTitle(); showEras('title-eraicons'); showEras('title-shortcut'); rewriteHover(); // replaceSearchIcon(); this is now called from MediaWiki:Monobook.js fixSearch(); hideContentSub(); var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var bodyClass = body.className; if( !bodyClass || (bodyClass.indexOf('page-') === -1) ) { var page = window.pageName.replace(/\W/g, '_'); body.className += ' page-' + page; } if( typeof(onPageLoad) != "undefined" ) { onPageLoad(); } } function infoboxToggle() { var page = window.pageName.replace(/\W/g, '_'); var nowShown; if(document.getElementById('infoboxtoggle').innerHTML == '[Ukryj]') { document.getElementById('infoboxinternal').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('infoboxtoggle').innerHTML = '[Pokaż]'; nowShown = false; } else { document.getElementById('infoboxinternal').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('infoboxtoggle').innerHTML = '[Ukryj]'; nowShown = true; } if(window.storagePresent) { localStorage.setItem('infoboxshow-' + page, nowShown); } } /** * jQuery version of Sikon's fillEditSummaries * @author Grunny */ function fillEditSummaries() { if ( !$( '#wpSummaryLabel' ).length ) { return; } $.get( mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ), { title: 'Template:Stdsummaries', action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' } ).done( function( data ) { var $summaryOptionsList, $summaryLabel = $( '#wpSummaryLabel' ), lines = data.split( '
' ), $wrapper = $( '').addClass( 'edit-widemode-hide' ).text( 'Standard summaries: ' ); $summaryOptionsList = $( '' ).attr( 'id', 'stdEditSummaries' ).change( function() { var editSummary = $( this ).val(); if ( editSummary !== '' ) { $( '#wpSummary' ).val( editSummary ); } } ); for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) { var editSummaryText = ( lines[i].indexOf( '-- ' ) === 0 ) ? lines[i].substring(3) : ''; $summaryOptionsList.append( $( '' ).val( editSummaryText ).text( lines[i] ) ); } $summaryLabel.prepend( $wrapper.append( $summaryOptionsList ) ); } ); } /** * jQuery version of Sikon's fillPreloads * @author Grunny */ function fillPreloads() { if( !$( '#lf-preload' ).length ) { return; } $( '#lf-preload' ).attr( 'style', 'display: block' ); $.get( wgScript, { title: 'Template:Stdpreloads', action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' } ).done( function( data ) { var $preloadOptionsList, lines = data.split( '
' ); $preloadOptionsList = $( '' ).attr( 'id', 'stdSummaries' ).change( function() { var templateName = $( this ).val(); if ( templateName !== '' ) { templateName = 'Template:' + templateName + '/preload'; templateName = templateName.replace( ' ', '_' ); $.get( wgScript, { title: templateName, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' } ).done( function( data ) { insertAtCursor( document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ), data ); } ); } } ); for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) { var templateText = ( lines[i].indexOf( '-- ' ) === 0 ) ? lines[i].substring(3) : ''; $preloadOptionsList.append( $( '' ).val( templateText ).text( lines[i] ) ); } $( '#lf-preload-cbox' ).html( $preloadOptionsList ); } ); $( '#lf-preload-pagename' ).html( '' ); $( '#lf-preload-button' ).html( '' ); } function doCustomPreload() { var value = $( '#lf-preload-pagename > input' ).val(); value = value.replace( ' ', '_' ); $.get( wgScript, { title: value, action: 'raw', ctype: 'text/plain' } ).done( function( data ) { insertAtCursor( document.getElementById( 'wpTextbox1' ), data ); } ); } // ============================================================ // BEGIN JavaScript title rewrite -- jQuery version and new wikia skin fixes by Grunny function rewriteTitle() { if( typeof( window.SKIP_TITLE_REWRITE ) != 'undefined' && window.SKIP_TITLE_REWRITE ) { return; } if( $('#title-meta').length == 0 ) { return; } var newTitle = $('#title-meta').html(); if( skin == "oasis" ) { $('header.WikiaPageHeader > h1').html('' + newTitle + ''); $('header.WikiaPageHeader > h1').attr('style','text-align:' + $('#title-align').html() + ';'); } else { $('.firstHeading').html('' + newTitle + ''); $('.firstHeading').attr('style','text-align:' + $('#title-align').html() + ';'); } } function showEras(className) { if( skin == 'oasis' ) { return; } if( typeof( SKIP_ERAS ) != 'undefined' && SKIP_ERAS ) return; var titleDiv = document.getElementById( className ); if( titleDiv == null || titleDiv == undefined ) return; var cloneNode = titleDiv.cloneNode(true); var firstHeading = getFirstHeading(); firstHeading.insertBefore(cloneNode, firstHeading.childNodes[0]); cloneNode.style.display = "block"; } // END JavaScript title rewrite function initVisibility() { var page = window.pageName.replace(/\W/g,'_'); var show = localStorage.getItem('infoboxshow-' + page); if( show == 'false' ) { infoboxToggle(); } var hidables = getElementsByClass('hidable'); for(var i = 0; i < hidables.length; i++) { show = localStorage.getItem('hidableshow-' + i + '_' + page); if( show == 'false' ) { var content = getElementsByClass('hidable-content', hidables[i]); var button = getElementsByClass('hidable-button', hidables[i]); if( content != null && content.length > 0 && button != null && button.length > 0 && content[0].style.display != 'none' ) { button[0].onclick('bypass'); } } else if( show == 'true' ) { var content = getElementsByClass('hidable-content', hidables[i]); var button = getElementsByClass('hidable-button', hidables[i]); if( content != null && content.length > 0 && button != null && button.length > 0 && content[0].style.display == 'none' ) { button[0].onclick('bypass'); } } } } function onArticleNavClick() { var div = document.getElementById('mp3-nav'); if( div.style.display == 'block' ) div.style.display = 'none'; else div.style.display = 'block'; } function addHideButtons() { var hidables = getElementsByClass('hidable'); for( var i = 0; i < hidables.length; i++ ) { var box = hidables[i]; var button = getElementsByClass('hidable-button', box, 'span'); if( button != null && button.length > 0 ) { button = button[0]; button.onclick = toggleHidable; button.appendChild( document.createTextNode('[Ukryj]') ); if( new ClassTester('start-hidden').isMatch(box) ) button.onclick('bypass'); } } } function toggleHidable(bypassStorage) { var parent = getParentByClass('hidable', this); var content = getElementsByClass('hidable-content', parent); var nowShown; if( content != null && content.length > 0 ) { content = content[0]; if( content.style.display == 'none' ) { content.style.display = content.oldDisplayStyle; this.firstChild.nodeValue = '[Ukryj]'; nowShown = true; } else { content.oldDisplayStyle = content.style.display; content.style.display = 'none'; this.firstChild.nodeValue = '[Pokaż]'; nowShown = false; } if( window.storagePresent && ( typeof( bypassStorage ) == 'undefined' || bypassStorage != 'bypass' ) ) { var page = window.pageName.replace(/\W/g, '_'); var items = getElementsByClass('hidable'); var item = -1; for( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { if( items[i] == parent ) { item = i; break; } } if( item == -1 ) { return; } localStorage.setItem('hidableshow-' + item + '_' + page, nowShown); } } } /* Replaces {{USERNAME}} with the name of the user browsing the page. Requires copying Template:USERNAME. */ function substUsername() { if( wgUserName ) { $('.insertusername').text(wgUserName); } } function substUsernameTOC() { var toc = $('#toc'); var userpage = $('#pt-userpage'); if( !userpage || !toc ) return; var username = $('#pt-userpage').children(':first-child').text(); $('span.toctext:not(:has(*)), span.toctext i', toc).each(function() { $(this).text($(this).text().replace('', username)); }); } function fixSearch() { var button = document.getElementById('searchSubmit'); if( button ) button.name = 'go'; } /** * Start upload form customisations * @author Green tentacle */ function setupUploadForm(){ // Check if cookie has been set for form style. Overrides URL parameter if set. var formstyle = localStorage.getItem("uploadform"); $("#uploadBasicLinkJS").show(); $("#uploadTemplateNoJS").hide(); var wpLicense = $('#wpLicense'); if ( wpLicense.length && window.location.search.indexOf('wpForReUpload=1') == -1){ if (formstyle == "guided" || (formstyle == "" && window.location.search.indexOf('basic=true') == -1)){ // Add link to basic form $("#uploadtext").prepend(''); // Stretch table to full width $('#mw-htmlform-description').css('width', '100%'); // Bind upload button to verify function $('#mw-upload-form').bind('submit', verifySummary); // Hide existing rows var rows = $('#mw-htmlform-description').find('tr'); $('tr.mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTextAreaField').hide(); $('tr.mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTextAreaField').next().detach(); $('#mw-htmlform-description').addClass('hidable start-hidden'); // Add new required rows rows.eq(1).after('Source:'); $('#mw-htmlform-description').append(''); var tbody1 = $('#mw-htmlform-description').children('tbody').eq(0); tbody1.append('Description:'); tbody1.append('Optional fields '); // Add new optional rows var tbody2 = $('#mw-htmlform-description').children('tbody').eq(1); tbody2.append('Attention:'); tbody2.append('Original designer / artist:'); tbody2.append('Conversion / editing / upload information:'); tbody2.append('Other versions / source images:'); tbody2.append('Artist categories:'); tbody2.append('Licensee categories:'); tbody2.append('Subject categories:'); tbody2.append('Type categories:'); } else { // Old style form just needs Information template in the summary box $('#wpUploadDescription').val('==Summary==
|other versions=
|cat artist=
|cat licensee=
|cat subject=
|cat type=
}}'); // Add link to guided form $("#uploadtext").prepend(''); $('#mw-upload-form').bind('submit', verifyName); } } } function verifySummary(){ var wpLicense = document.getElementById('wpLicense'); var wpDestFile = document.getElementById('wpDestFile'); // Check for licensing if ( wpLicense.value == "" ){ alert('Licensing must be completed.'); return false; } // Check for source if ( document.getElementById('sourceBox').value == "" ){ alert('Source must be completed.'); return false; } // Check for duplicated or capitalized file extensions if ( wpDestFile.value.match(/(JPG|PNG|GIF|SVG|jpg\.jpg|png\.png|gif\.gif|svg\.svg)$/)) { alert('Please do not use capitalized or duplicated file extensions in the filename.'); return false; } var strBuilder = '==Summary==
'; strBuilder += '|attention=' + document.getElementById('attentionBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|description=' + document.getElementById('descriptionBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|source=' + document.getElementById('sourceBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|artist=' + document.getElementById('artistBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|filespecs=' + document.getElementById('filespecsBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|licensing=' + wpLicense.options[wpLicense.selectedIndex].title + '
'; strBuilder += '|other versions=' + document.getElementById('versionsBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|cat artist=' + document.getElementById('catartistBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|cat licensee=' + document.getElementById('catlicenseeBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|cat subject=' + document.getElementById('catsubjectBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '|cat type=' + document.getElementById('cattypeBox').value + '
'; strBuilder += '}}'; document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription').value = strBuilder; wpLicense.selectedIndex = 0; return true; } function verifyName(){ var wpDestFile = document.getElementById('wpDestFile'); var wpLicense = document.getElementById( 'wpLicense' ); // Check for duplicated or capitalized file extensions if ( wpDestFile.value.match(/(JPG|PNG|GIF|SVG|jpg.jpg|png.png|gif.gif|svg.svg)$/)) { alert('Please do not use capitalized or duplicated file extensions in the filename.'); return false; } // Check for annoying characters if ( wpDestFile.value.match(/(\(|\)|!|\?|,|\+|\'|\’)/)) { alert('Please do not use parantheses, slashes, punctuation marks, or other non-alphanumeric characters in your filename.'); return false; } if ( wpLicense.value != '' ) { $( '#wpUploadDescription' ).val( $( '#wpUploadDescription' ).val().replace( '|licensing=', '|licensing=' + wpLicense.options[wpLicense.selectedIndex].title ) ); wpLicense.selectedIndex = 0; } return true; } /** * End upload form customisations */ /************************************************************ * Functions.js stuff * Deprecated, most of these functions will be removed slowly ************************************************************/ /* Source: <a href="http://www.dustindiaz.com/getelementsbyclass/">http://www.dustindiaz.com/getelementsbyclass/</a> getElementsByClass, which complements getElementById and getElementsByTagName, returns an array of all subelements of ''node'' that are tagged with a specific CSS class (''searchClass'') and are of the tag name ''tag''. If tag is null, it searches for any suitable elements regardless of the tag name. Example: getElementsByClass('infobox', document.getElementById('content'), 'div') selects the same elements as the CSS declaration #content div.infobox */ function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node, tag) { var classElements = new Array(); if(node == null) node = document; if(tag == null) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var elsLen = els.length; var tester = new ClassTester(searchClass); for(i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) { if(tester.isMatch(els[i])) { classElements[j] = els[i]; j++; } } return classElements; } function ClassTester(className) { this.regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"); } ClassTester.prototype.isMatch = function(element) { return this.regex.test(element.className); } /* end getElementsByClass */ function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) { //IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = myValue; } //MOZILLA/NETSCAPE support else if(myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); } else { myField.value += myValue; } } function getFirstHeading() { var elements = getElementsByClass('firstHeading', document.getElementById('content'), 'h1'); return (elements != null && elements.length > 0) ? elements[0] : null; } /* Returns the element's nearest parent that has the specified CSS class. */ function getParentByClass(className, element) { var tester = new ClassTester(className); var node = element.parentNode; while(node != null && node != document) { if(tester.isMatch(node)) return node; node = node.parentNode; } return null; } /* Performs dynamic hover class rewriting to work around the IE6 :hover bug (needs CSS changes as well) */ function rewriteHover() { var gbl = document.getElementById("hover-global"); if(gbl == null) return; var nodes = getElementsByClass("hoverable", gbl); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i].onmouseover = function() { this.className += " over"; } nodes[i].onmouseout = function() { this.className = this.className.replace(new RegExp(" over\\b"), ""); } } } /************************************************************ * End old Functions.js stuff * Deprecated, most of these functions will be removed slowly ************************************************************/ $( loadFunc ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADVANCED AJAX AUTO-REFRESHING ARTICLES // Code originally by "pcj" of Wowpedia // Maintenance, cleanup, style and bug fixes by Grunny (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/User:Grunny) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// window.ajaxIndicator = 'http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/dev/images/8/82/Facebook_throbber.gif'; window.AjaxRCRefreshText = 'Automatically refresh'; window.AjaxRCRefreshHoverText = 'Enable auto-refreshing page loads'; window.ajaxPages = [ 'Special:RecentChanges', 'Special:Watchlist', 'Special:Log', 'Special:NewFiles', 'Special:AbuseLog' ]; ( function ( window, $, mw, Wikia ) { 'use strict'; var config = mw.config.get( [ 'stylepath', 'wgAction', 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName', 'wgPageName' ] ), // use common file as it's very likely to be already cached by user // used in oasis sidebar loading, preview modal, etc. ajaxIndicator = window.ajaxIndicator || config.stylepath + '/common/images/ajax.gif', ajaxTimer, refreshText = typeof window.AjaxRCRefreshText === 'string' ? window.AjaxRCRefreshText : 'AJAX', refreshHover = typeof window.AjaxRCRefreshHoverText === 'string' ? window.AjaxRCRefreshHoverText : 'Enable auto-refreshing page loads', ajRefresh = window.ajaxRefresh || 60000, ajPages = window.ajaxPages || [ 'Special:RecentChanges' ], RecentChangesLocal, // don't load on these values of wgAction // @todo check if markpatrolled should be here disallowActions = [ 'delete', 'edit', 'protect', 'revisiondelete' ]; function storage( setTo ) { if ( localStorage.getItem( 'AjaxRC-refresh' ) === null ) { localStorage.setItem( 'AjaxRC-refresh', true ); } if ( setTo === false ) { localStorage.setItem( 'AjaxRC-refresh', false ); } else if ( setTo === true ) { localStorage.setItem( 'AjaxRC-refresh', true ); } return JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'AjaxRC-refresh' ) ); } /** * Main function to start the Auto-refresh process */ function preloadAJAXRL() { // monobook var $appTo = $( '.firstHeading' ).length ? $( '.firstHeading' ) : // most oasis pages ( $( '#WikiaPageHeader' ).length ? $( '#WikiaPageHeader' ) : // most oasis special pages ( $( '#AdminDashboardHeader' ).length ? $( '#AdminDashboardHeader > h1' ) : false ) ), $checkbox = $( '' ) .css( { 'font-size': 'xx-small', 'line-height': '100%', 'margin-left': '5px' } ) .append( $( '' ) .css( { 'border-bottom': '1px dotted', 'cursor': 'help' } ) .attr( 'title', refreshHover ).text( refreshText + ':' ), $( '' ).css( { 'margin-bottom': 0 } ), $( '' ).css( 'display', 'none' ).append( $( '' ).css( { 'vertical-align': 'baseline', 'float': 'none', 'border': 0 } ) .attr( 'src', ajaxIndicator ).attr( 'alt', 'Refreshing page' ) ) ), $throbber; // fallback for pages with profile masthead if ( $appTo === false ) { $( '#WikiaArticle' ).prepend( $checkbox ); } else { $appTo.append( $checkbox ); } $throbber = $appTo.find( '#ajaxLoadProgress' ); $( document ).ajaxSend( function ( event, xhr, settings ) { if ( location.href === settings.url ) { $throbber.show(); } } ).ajaxComplete ( function ( event, xhr, settings ) { var $collapsibleElements = $( '#mw-content-text' ).find( '.mw-collapsible' ), ajCallAgain = window.ajaxCallAgain || [], i; if ( location.href === settings.url ) { $throbber.hide(); if ( $collapsibleElements.length ) { $collapsibleElements.makeCollapsible(); } if ( config.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'Recentchanges' ) { mw.special.recentchanges.init(); if ( $( '.mw-recentchanges-table' ).find( '.WikiaDropdown' ).length ) { RecentChangesLocal.init(); } } if ( config.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === 'WikiActivity' ) { window.WikiActivity.init(); } for ( i = 0; i < ajCallAgain.length; i++ ) { ajCallAgain[i](); } } } ); $( '#ajaxToggle' ).click( toggleAjaxReload ); $( '#ajaxToggle' ).attr( 'checked', storage() ); if ( storage() ) { loadPageData(); } } /** * Turn refresh on and off by toggling the checkbox */ function toggleAjaxReload() { if ( $( '#ajaxToggle' ).prop( 'checked' ) === true ) { storage( true ); loadPageData(); } else { storage( false ); clearTimeout( ajaxTimer ); } } /** * Does the actual refresh */ function loadPageData() { var $temp = $( '' ); $temp.load( location.href + ' #mw-content-text', function () { var $newContent = $temp.children( '#mw-content-text' ); if ( $newContent.length ) { $( '#mw-content-text' ).replaceWith( $newContent ); } ajaxTimer = setTimeout( loadPageData, ajRefresh ); } ); $temp.remove(); } /** * Load the script on specific pages * and only on certain values for wgAction (see disallowActions above) */ $( function () { if ( $.inArray( config.wgPageName, ajPages ) !== -1 && $( '#ajaxToggle' ).length === 0 && $.inArray( config.wgAction, disallowActions ) === -1 ) { preloadAJAXRL(); } } ); /** * Temp Hack: copy the RC filter JS since it can't be accessed * @source */ RecentChangesLocal = { init: function () { this.$table = $( '.mw-recentchanges-table' ); this.$dropdown = this.$table.find( '.WikiaDropdown' ); this.$submit = this.$table.find('input[type="submit"]'); this.$submit.on( 'click.RecentChangesDropdown', $.proxy( this.saveFilters, this ) ); this.$submit.removeAttr( 'disabled' ); //FF clean this.dropdown = new Wikia.MultiSelectDropdown( this.$dropdown ); this.dropdown.on( 'change', $.proxy( this.onChange, this ) ); }, saveFilters: function( event ) { var self = this; event.preventDefault(); self.dropdown.disable(); self.$submit.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); if ( self.dropdown.getSelectedValues().length === 0 ) { self.dropdown.doSelectAll( true ); } $.nirvana.sendRequest( { controller: 'RecentChangesController', method: 'saveFilters', data: { filters: self.dropdown.getSelectedValues() }, type: 'POST', format: 'json', callback: function ( data ) { window.location.reload(); } } ); } }; }( this, jQuery, mediaWiki, Wikia ) ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OF AJAX AUTO-REFRESH /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Link FA var FA_enabled = true; function addfaicon() { // if disabled if (!FA_enabled) return; var pLang = document.getElementById("p-lang"); if (!pLang) return; var lis = pLang.getElementsByTagName("li"); for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) { var li = lis[i]; // only links with a corresponding Link_FA template are interesting if (!document.getElementById(li.className + "-fa")) continue; // additional class so the template can be hidden with CSS li.className += " FA"; // change title (mouse over) li.title = "This article is rated as featured article."; } } addOnloadHook(addfaicon); /* Magic edit intro. Copied from Wikipedia's MediaWiki:Common.js * modified for use in both Monaco and Monobook skins by Sikon * Section edit links added by Green tentacle * New Wikia skin support by Grunny */ function addEditIntro(name) { // Top link if( skin == 'oasis' ) { $('a[data-id="edit"]').attr('href',$('a[data-id="edit"]').attr('href') + '&editintro=' + name); $('span.editsection > a').each( function () { $(this).attr('href',$(this).attr('href') + '&editintro=' + name); } ); } else { var el = document.getElementById('ca-edit'); if( typeof(el.href) == 'undefined' ) { el = el.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; } if (el) el.href += '&editintro=' + name; // Section links var spans = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); for ( var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++ ) { el = null; if (spans[i].className == 'editsection') { el = spans[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if (el) el.href += '&editintro=' + name; } else if (spans[i].className == 'editsection-upper') { el = spans[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if (el) el.href += '&editintro=' + name; } } } } $( function () { if ( wgNamespaceNumber === 0 ) { var cats = document.getElementById( 'catlinks' ); if ( !cats ) { return; } cats = cats.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); for ( var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++ ) { if ( cats[i].title === 'Category:Wookieepedia featured articles' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Featured_editintro' ); break; } else if ( cats[i].title === 'Category:Wookieepedia good articles' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Good_editintro' ); break; } else if ( cats[i].title === 'Category:Wookieepedia comprehensive articles' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Comprehensive_editintro' ); break; } else if ( cats[i].title === 'Category:Articles undergoing major edits' || cats[i].title === 'Category:Works in progress' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Inuse_editintro' ); break; } else if ( cats[i].title === 'Category:Legends articles with canon counterparts' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Legends_editintro' ); break; } else if ( cats[i].title === 'Category:Canon articles with Legends counterparts' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Canon_editintro' ); break; } else if ( wgPageName === 'Template:DYK editintro' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:Good_editintro' ); break; } } } else if ( wgPageName === 'Template:DidYouKnow' ) { addEditIntro( 'Template:DYK_editintro' ); } } ); // [[Main Page]] JS transform. Originally from [[Wikipedia:MediaWiki:Monobook.js]]/[[Wikipedia:MediaWiki:Common.js]] and may be further modified for local use. function mainPageRenameNamespaceTab() { try { var Node = document.getElementById( 'ca-nstab-main' ).firstChild; if ( Node.textContent ) { // Per DOM Level 3 Node.textContent = 'Main Page'; } else if ( Node.innerText ) { // IE doesn't handle .textContent Node.innerText = 'Main Page'; } else { // Fallback Node.replaceChild( Node.firstChild, document.createTextNode( 'Main Page' ) ); } } catch(e) { // bailing out! } } if ( wgTitle == 'Main Page' && ( wgNamespaceNumber == 0 || wgNamespaceNumber == 1 ) ) { addOnloadHook( mainPageRenameNamespaceTab ); } /** Archive edit tab disabling ************************************* * Disables the edit tab on old forum topic pages to stop noobs bumping old topics. * Page can still be edited by going via the edit tab on the history etc, or by * typing the edit address manually. * By [[User:Spang|Spang]] * Monaco support by [[User:Uberfuzzy|]] * Oasis support by [[User:Uberfuzzy|]] * Removal of section edit buttons and new section tab on talk pages added by [[User:Grunny|Grunny]] * User:/User talk: support and styling in new skin by [[User:Grunny|Grunny]] */ function disableOldForumEdit() { if( typeof( enableOldForumEdit ) != 'undefined' && enableOldForumEdit ) { return; } if( !document.getElementById('old-forum-warning') ) { return; } if( skin == 'oasis' ) { if( wgNamespaceNumber == 2 || wgNamespaceNumber == 3 ) { $("#WikiaUserPagesHeader .wikia-menu-button li a:first").html('Archived').removeAttr('href').attr('style', 'color: darkgray;'); $('span.editsection').remove(); return; } else { $("#WikiaPageHeader .wikia-menu-button a:first").html('Archived').removeAttr('href').attr('style', 'color: darkgray;'); $('span.editsection').remove(); return; } } if( !document.getElementById('ca-edit') ) { return; } if( skin == 'monaco' ) { editLink = document.getElementById('ca-edit'); } else if( skin == 'monobook' ) { editLink = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild; } else { return; } editLink.removeAttribute('href', 0); editLink.removeAttribute('title', 0); editLink.style.color = 'gray'; editLink.innerHTML = 'Archived'; $('span.editsection-upper').remove(); $('span.editsection').remove(); appendCSS( '#control_addsection, #ca-addsection { display: none !important; }' ); } addOnloadHook( disableOldForumEdit ); //Removes the "Featured on:" line on File pages -- By Grunny addOnloadHook( function (){ if ( wgNamespaceNumber == 6 && $('#file').length != 0 ) { $('#file').html($('#file').html().replace(/Featured on\:(.*?)\/, '')); } } ); /** * Show/hide for media timeline -- Grunny **/ $( function () { if( !$( '.timeline-toggles' ).length ) { return; } $( '.timeline-toggles' ).find( 'td > a' ).click( function () { var hideBtnClass = $( this ).parent().attr( 'class' ), $hideContent = $( 'tr.' + hideBtnClass ); if( !$hideContent.length ) { return; } $hideContent.toggle(); if ( $( this ).text().indexOf( 'hide' ) >= 1 ) { $( this ).text( $( this ).text().replace( 'hide', 'show' ) ); } else { $( this ).text( $( this ).text().replace( 'show', 'hide' ) ); } } ); } ); // Lazy load SWTOR article appearances list $( function lazyLoadTorApp() { var pageName = 'Star_Wars:_The_Old_Republic', appPageName = encodeURIComponent( pageName + '/Appearances' ), $lazyLoadEl = $( '#WookTorLazyload' ), includeHtml, $editLink; if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) !== pageName || !$lazyLoadEl.length ) { return; } $lazyLoadEl.html( '' ); $.getJSON( '/api.php?action=parse&page=' + appPageName + '&format=json' ) .done( function ( data ) { if ( data.parse && data.parse.text ) { includeHtml = data.parse.text['*']; $lazyLoadEl.html( includeHtml ); addHideButtons(); $editLink = $lazyLoadEl.prev( 'h2' ).find( '.editsection a' ); if ( $editLink.length ) { $editLink.attr( 'href', '/index.php?title=' + appPageName + '&action=edit' ); } } } ); } ); /** * Hides the link to parent pages from subpages if {{HideContentSub}} is included **/ function hideContentSub() { if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 0 || $( '#hideContentSub' ).length > 0 ) { if ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'oasis' ) { if ($( '#WikiaPageHeader h2' ).text().substring(0, 1) === "<") { var $wikiaHeader = $( '#WikiaPageHeader h2' ), $backToPageLink; if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) % 2 === 1 ) { // ugly hack to only leave back to page link on talk pages $backToPageLink = $wikiaHeader.find( 'a[accesskey="c"]' ); $wikiaHeader.html( '' ).append( $backToPageLink ); } else { $wikiaHeader.hide(); } } } else { if ( $( '#contentSub span.subpages' ).text().substring(0, 1) === "<" ) { $( '#contentSub span.subpages' ).hide(); } } } } // // Related Categories $(document).ready( function () { if( document.getElementById("related-catlinks") ) { document.getElementById("catlinks").appendChild(document.getElementById("related-catlinks")); } } ); // IMPORT SKRYPTÓW // W ostatnim imporcie nie umieszczamy przecinka. importArticles({type: "script", articles: ["u:dev:UserTags/code.js" // UserTag