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| - Mandrake Wig
- Mandrake Wig
| - Mandrake Wig es un ciudadano de Los Ángeles que desapareció misteriosamente. Solía ser un amigo del doctor Vincent Bolé.
- Mandrake „Manny“ Wig ist ein mysteriöser Charakter in dem ARG The Lost Experience. Er wird erstmals in einem Newsletter von Dr. Vincent Bolé erwähnt und später über seine MySpace-Seite weiter vorgestellt. Manny wird dadurch wichtig, dass er eine Reihe von Hinweisen löst und auch dabei hilft, ein Video von Rachel Blake freizugeben sowie den Spider Protokoll-Brief zu entziffern. Sein Blog impliziert deutlich, dass er an Bord von Flug 815 hätte fliegen sollen und ihn durch glückliche Umstände verpasst hat.
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The alarm clock didn't go off. But I woke up like it was 1985 to the sound of... wham and I was wide awake. Good morning and I gotta get to the airport. Down Under to Angel City and I'm a few minutes if I'm a mile from the departure gate. The plane is leaving and I am plain out of luck here. Say good bye to my ticket outta here and hello to another day exactly where I started.
I turn on the TV cuz I was expecting something but I didn't know what to expect except that I should expect something and I get it. The plane didn't make it. It didn't get there. It never got there. It ain't anywhere but I'm right here. People will be sad. People will be worried. People will be relieved. I'm all three and I'm on a flight back to the Golden State and I am far from being a warrior.
On the way home sweet home from the airport I fall asleep in the cab dreaming blissfully of what the future holds, the women unmet, the food untried or vice versa and all that I am about to accomplish when guess what my driver, my chauffer ok my cabbie falls asleep and it's all Mr. Toad's wild ride nd I ain't got a seatbelt.
See, what I didn't know was that the guy had a long night. A really long night. Some might call it a "paperclip" and instead of sleeping it off and packing it in he stayed up all night just to make his shift. Just to make his flight. Just to get to work on time. Just to pick me up at the airport and park the car running, under and eighteen wheeler. Facial reconstructive surgery - that's what they call it when your face needs fixin'. I'm still me but I'm not. I'm still ok but I'm got a chip and it's firmly placed on my ability to tip another cabbie for the rest of my life.
- But first a story.
I was checking into a hotel and a dapper porter escorts me to my room. As we're going up the elevator in total silence I decide to ask him his name. He replies, "Mandrake Wig" and immediately starts to explain the odd name, his German ancestry, and his mother's preoccupation with botany. He ends the story by saying, "my friends just call me Manny."
We continue talking about our lives, hopes, and dreams as I'm getting settled in my room. When he's done I offer a generous tip but he refuses saying, "Let me give you a tip, a single word that will enrich your life, as it has mine." I accept.
The next day I go to the front desk to leave a tip for Manny. They tell me no such person works there. I question everyone with no luck. I think about what he told me and write down his name so I don't forget it. As I write I see something in the letters. I rearrange a few and create the words, "waking dream."
The word he gave me that day was - YOU.
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| - Englische Fassung
- Englischer Text
- Mandrake Wig
| - Mandrake Wig es un ciudadano de Los Ángeles que desapareció misteriosamente. Solía ser un amigo del doctor Vincent Bolé.
- Mandrake „Manny“ Wig ist ein mysteriöser Charakter in dem ARG The Lost Experience. Er wird erstmals in einem Newsletter von Dr. Vincent Bolé erwähnt und später über seine MySpace-Seite weiter vorgestellt. Manny wird dadurch wichtig, dass er eine Reihe von Hinweisen löst und auch dabei hilft, ein Video von Rachel Blake freizugeben sowie den Spider Protokoll-Brief zu entziffern. Sein Blog impliziert deutlich, dass er an Bord von Flug 815 hätte fliegen sollen und ihn durch glückliche Umstände verpasst hat.