| - The southern-most island of Hong Kong, it is famous for its rock formations, such as the Buddha Hand Rock (佛手岩), the Coffin Rock (棺材石), and the Tortoise Climbing up the Mountain (靈龜上山). The Deserted Mansion of Family Mo, (巫氏廢宅), usually referred to as the "Haunted House", is a popular venue of "adventure" for the young visitors. The island is also an ideal place for skywatch. Another explanation states that Po Toi looks like a floating platform (浮台) when viewed from a distance on sea. 蒲 is another character meaning "to float" in the local dialect, thus giving the island its name.
| - The southern-most island of Hong Kong, it is famous for its rock formations, such as the Buddha Hand Rock (佛手岩), the Coffin Rock (棺材石), and the Tortoise Climbing up the Mountain (靈龜上山). The Deserted Mansion of Family Mo, (巫氏廢宅), usually referred to as the "Haunted House", is a popular venue of "adventure" for the young visitors. The island is also an ideal place for skywatch. It is said that the island used to produce dried seaweeds (苔), which were shaped like the cattail hassock (蒲團) used by the monks for sitting; therefore the island was originally called 蒲苔島, the present common name being a corruption. Another explanation states that Po Toi looks like a floating platform (浮台) when viewed from a distance on sea. 蒲 is another character meaning "to float" in the local dialect, thus giving the island its name. Ancient Rock carvings on the island that date back over 2,000 years have been listed as declared monuments of Hong Kong. These may be viewed on a spur-track on the track that runs between the main harbour (Tai Wan), and the lighthouse. 蒲台島島上居民多以捕魚為生,亦有採集及售賣紫菜、昆布等物品。早期亦有很多漁船停泊,島上亦有學校為島上及漁船上兒童提供小學教育,但現已荒廢。島上至今仍是沒有電力及自來水設施提供,僅靠島上的發電機於晚間提供電力,島上水利缺乏發展,於旱季時島上經常缺水,於夏天風季時亦容易受到熱帶氣旋影響。由於缺乏資源及設施,現島上居民日漸減少,由七十年代千多人到現在不及百人。