| - New ERA of Wrestling (New ERA) is a professional wrestling promotion whose main headquarters are based in Boston, Massachusetts. The promotion was first formed on January 29, 2004. After a brief period of time as part of the WFW:NE organization (formed when New ERA and WFW merged) from June 1, 2009 to January 20, 2010, Marcus LaRoque announced on January 20, 2010 that New ERA of Wrestling would continue on with the Destrucity II pay per view under its original moniker. On the April 25, 2010 edition of RAUCOUS, aired 5 months later on September 3, 2010, the CEO of EC Enterprises appeared and revealed to LaRoque that the corporation had pulled all funding. LaRoque filed for an injunction in the District Court of Eastern Massachusetts. After a lengthy trial, the District Judge ruled in "LaRoq
| - New ERA of Wrestling (New ERA) is a professional wrestling promotion whose main headquarters are based in Boston, Massachusetts. The promotion was first formed on January 29, 2004. After a brief period of time as part of the WFW:NE organization (formed when New ERA and WFW merged) from June 1, 2009 to January 20, 2010, Marcus LaRoque announced on January 20, 2010 that New ERA of Wrestling would continue on with the Destrucity II pay per view under its original moniker. On the April 25, 2010 edition of RAUCOUS, aired 5 months later on September 3, 2010, the CEO of EC Enterprises appeared and revealed to LaRoque that the corporation had pulled all funding. LaRoque filed for an injunction in the District Court of Eastern Massachusetts. After a lengthy trial, the District Judge ruled in "LaRoque v. EC Enterprises" that EC Enterprises had the legal right to pull funding. The league closed on September 25, 2010. The second iteration of New ERA began on January 29, 2011, seven years to the day it began, and now runs as a smaller, Boston-based promotion. After going on an indefinite hiatus on August 25, 2011, the promotion re-opened its doors on February 21, 2015. The promotion was created on January 29, 2004 with funding provided by EC Enterprises. New ERA opened its doors alongside two other mainline promotions, Empire Pro Wrestling (EPW) based out of Houston, and the National Wrestling League (NWL) based out of New York. While Empire Pro remains one of New ERA's sister leagues, the NWL folded seven months later due to financial difficulties. New ERA merged with World's Finest Wrestling (WFW), a sister league, to operate under the banner WFW:NE on June 1, 2009. However, WFW:NE collapsed on January 20, 2010 when WFW pulled out of the merger. New ERA operated under its old name until September 25, 2010 when EC Enterprises pulled funding. At the time of the September 25th closing, there were two television wrestling shows, RAUCOUS and RAPTURE, with a third show on the horizon, four championship belts, and an active singles and tag team division. On December 24, it was announced that EC Enterprises had decided to fund operations for New ERA of Wrestling in 2011. After slashing the operating budget, New ERA announced its intentions to run a "season-based" promotion. No longer running a televised weekly show, but a webstream for New ERA Cyberstrike, seasons last six shows - five Cyberstrike webisodes and a "premier" event which is televised on ESENtv.