| - A Toastmasters club usually has the following items on its programme:
* Welcome / Introductions (visitors and guests may be asked to introduce themselves)
* Business meeting (five or ten minutes about club, area, district and general organisation)
* A couple or three Toasts - this is unusual in Europe
* Description of the programme
* Three to five Prepared Speaking assignments
* Depending on time, the Speech Evaluations may be scheduled here
* A pause to have a bite or a drink
* [Table Topics] -- or impromptu / contemporaneous speaking
* Evaluations. People giving the prepared speakers some feedback
* Reports from special evaluators: Ah Counter, Grammarian, Wordmaster, Timer
* Feedback from the General evaluator
* Awards for best speech / evalu
| - A Toastmasters club usually has the following items on its programme:
* Welcome / Introductions (visitors and guests may be asked to introduce themselves)
* Business meeting (five or ten minutes about club, area, district and general organisation)
* A couple or three Toasts - this is unusual in Europe
* Description of the programme
* Three to five Prepared Speaking assignments
* Depending on time, the Speech Evaluations may be scheduled here
* A pause to have a bite or a drink
* [Table Topics] -- or impromptu / contemporaneous speaking
* Evaluations. People giving the prepared speakers some feedback
* Reports from special evaluators: Ah Counter, Grammarian, Wordmaster, Timer
* Feedback from the General evaluator
* Awards for best speech / evaluation / best impromptu speech (not the person, but the performance)
* Raffle ticket draw
* Closing remarks from the President, guests, and perhaps others At our club we also plan the following two meetings at this point, getting people to commit to roles right there and then. Does your club run different sessions? We'd love to hear from you. Simply click "edit" on this page, and incorporate what your club does / doesn't do. From Graham in Berne, Switzerland - I have kept your information and added a bit