| - A place where humans could share and receive knowledge freely. This place does not exist, nor could it ever exist. So this is all just a fictional story......... .... MEANWHILE... On THE INTERWEBS..... A human in the world posted an epically short story on Fiction Wikia........ A human named Proxima Centauri wrote a note on the story stating that: But we do learn from each other here. Proxima Centauri 13:58, January 26, 2010 (UTC) ... ... The original author replied that: Perhaps... but do we produce quasi-peer reviewed research? are we planning to patent our stories? or sell them? Emesee The iPhone and Motorola Droid might cost only about 170 dollars in parts.... One problem is that when two or more authors collaborate, their unconscious minds, even their conscious minds don’t always match. For example a man writing a story may identify with a character who he hopes will get an attractive woman. Then a woman joins the story, likes to see herself as the woman in the story and has a different type of lover that she prefers for the female character. Proxima Centauri 11:13, January 29, 2010 (UTC) A wiki is good place for "learn by doing". Sometimes we can pause to reflect on what we have learned. Collaborative fiction writing using wiki technology <-- "quasi-peer review" is welcome. At irc://irc.freenode.net/wikia-fiction there has been some discussion of projects that would take story content from fiction.wikia.com "to the next level" and get it published in non-wiki formats. --JWSchmidt 14:11, January 29, 2010 (UTC)