Algebraic jump! Oh, you should accept the other mission I have. It'll teach you about the different weapon types.
Looks like Finn wants to talk to you. Head over to the Jump pad there and use it to get to him.
Welcome to the Zoo and good job on reaching Level 2! Now that you're stronger, we need you to help with a new problem. Some of the Fusion Spawns have grown larger. Test your new strengh by fighting one of these Jumbo Fusion Spawns.
Use that jump pad to jump up here and talk to me.
You have definitely gotten stronger now that you are Level 2. Great job with the Jumbo Fusion Spawns, and the Cyber Stingers. Once you have finished Finn's mission, make sure to talk to Lance to strart your next Nano mission.
Once you've finished my other mission, make sure to talk to Lance for your next Nano missions!
Great job! That Spawn dropped a C.R.A.T.E. You can see what's inside it by opening your inventory, and then clicking on it.
That should be enough to slow them down for a bit. Go talk to Finn for your reward.