| - Shopkeepers in SLASH'EM may offer the following services: identifying, uncursing, appraisal (saying how much damage a weapon does), weapon-works, armor-works and charging. All shops offer a form of identification but not necessarily any other services. The Black Market always possesses full identification services, appraisal, and uncursing services.
| - Shopkeepers in SLASH'EM may offer the following services: identifying, uncursing, appraisal (saying how much damage a weapon does), weapon-works, armor-works and charging. All shops offer a form of identification but not necessarily any other services. The Black Market always possesses full identification services, appraisal, and uncursing services. Sometimes shopkeepers may try to cheat you. The probability of this mainly depends on your Charisma. It will never happen if your Charisma is 10 or more and will always happen if it is 7 or less. If your Charisma is 8 or 9, shopkeepers will sometimes try to cheat you, with a probability dependent on your Luck. On a related note, many services will not work properly if you are hallucinating or confused. The price of services will be mentioned under the individual service headings, but in general, it is strongly dependent on the object on which the service is being performed. Your charisma also affects the price of services, but to a lesser degree than it affects the price of objects.