| - Bit of War follows Kratos' assault on Olympus and is quite similar story-wise to David Jaffe's version of God of War III. Kratos' journey begins when he is scaling Mount Olympus and fighting off the hordes of enemies that serve Zeus. Eventually, the Ghost of Sparta reaches the top of the mountain and faces the King of Olympus, after a furious battle, Zeus is killed and Kratos takes the God's thunderbolts to use for his own needs. The Spartan flies down from the summit of Olympus using the Icarus Wings and spots a large number of ships heading for Greece. Kratos, thinking that the fleet belongs to Poseidon, lands and prepares for battle. To his surprise the invaders are actually an army of Vikings who are being lead by the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. After cutting his way through the invaders, the Spartan comes face-to-face with Thor. They fight and Kratos comes out victorious, earning himself the god's hammer Mjolnir from the fight. The Viking ship that The Ghost of Sparta fought Thor on crashes into the coast and Kratos finds himself in Egypt. He is greeted by Bastet who is calling for her brothers and sisters of Egypt to aid their country in combat. Kratos carves his way through the Egyptian forces and eventually comes face-to-face with the Cat Goddess who is standing atop of The Great Sphinx. She asks the Spartan for a truce and allows Kratos to have sex with her (in the form of a sex mini-game) whilst the Sphinx watches with wide eyes. After this Bastet asks for Kratos to rule over the world with her but the Ghost of Sparta rejects the offer. Enraged, the Goddess leaps upon the back of the Sphinx and a battle commences. The beast is eventually weakened and Kratos gets to petrify it, this is identical to what happens in David Jaffe's version of God of War III. Bastet falls from the statue and is promptly cleaved in half. Upon the Goddesses' death, Ra, Odin, and Poseidon wish to avenge their fallen comrades. The sky turns purple and the worlds of Greek, Egyptian, and Norse gods fuse together creating a mismatching chaotic void where all monsters reign terror. A citizen runs up to Kratos and tells him that the gods have abandoned all humanity. The Spartan soldier march on through the hordes of monsters that the gods send, and eventually finds an old man who explains that Hope is the only gift that the gods gave to man. The man says that without hope the gods are nothing, as they need hope and faith to survive, with this the man leaves. Kratos suddenly feels that all of the gods of Olympus have disappeared as mortals have stopped having faith in them. The mismatched world loses its Greek touch and The Ghost of Sparta presses on through mainly Viking hordes. A group of citizens wait outside of a Viking ship and cheer Kratos on, wishing to worship him as the new God. It becomes clear that the Norse gods have faded. Now the chaotic world only contains Egyptian features and Kratos presses on through them, cutting any monsters down in his path. The Ghost of Sparta eventually comes to the end, he feels that all of the gods have been vanquished and the world lays in silence with a thick grey fog hanging over it. Kratos stands alone in a godless world, amidst the nothingness, he hears the voice of the old man echo inside of his mind. The voices of the cheering citizens then appear inside his head, he wonders why they cheer as he thinks of himself as a monster. At that moment, a voice speaks inside of his mind with a venomous tongue, it reveals itself to be the evils that grew inside of him after every murder he committed. It says that it would happily accept the people's hopes of him becoming the new god and then leaps from Kratos' head and manifest itself into a being similar in appearance to Kratos; it challenges him to a battle to the death. It uses the powers of Zeus, Thor, and The Ghost of Sparta himself. Kratos eventually defeats his dark half and it plummets down from the mountain, gradually disintegrating into a bright light. A picture of the Three Wise Men of Judeo-Christian theology suddenly appears and the star that they follow is shown to be Kratos' conscience. The screen then flashes back to Kratos, it is revealed that he starts to become weaker without the evil in his mind. The mountain falls in on the Spartan and he dies. Soon after, he is shown to be in a pitch black place that he deems cannot be the underworld as the gods are dead. After pondering a plethora of ideas he hears Calliope's voice. He becomes confused but does not respond as he thinks it to be a hallucination considering his daughter is in the Elysium Fields, his wife then speaks, asking him why he does not respond to his daughter's calls. He answers her and is quickly lifted from the rubble of the mountain. Kratos' ashes disappear from his body and he is left clean with his wife and daughter, he is told that they are not in the underworld and are instead in a place that they can create with their own hope.