| - She is Espio's oldest daughter, she is the girlfriend of Lien-Da's son Rutan and the older sister of Juanita, she is also close friends with Lara-Su, Sonia and Manik. On the night of Lara-Su's unveiling, she and Rutan were making out in Locke's Park when they overheard Knuckles and Rotor discussing an alliance between Angel Island and the Kingdom of Acorn. Later on, Lien-Da confronted the couple about what they had been doing that night. Dodging defensively, Salma claimed that she had been sleeping over at Lara-Su's. Later, she actually took part in the sleep over that Lara had with several other friends. Salma did not appear in the alternate future of the second Light Mobius arc, however she was mentioned by Rutan to exist in the Sonic Universe Mobius: 30 Years Later arc. Her appearance was that of a teenage, purple Chameleon with long black hair with a few braids on the side. Her outfit consisted of a sleeveless neon pink belly-top,a pink belt, and a pair of purple shorts, together with shoes of a darker purple and gray and white gloves. She also wears a beaded necklace with her outfit.