| - Jasper Fforde is the author of a few science fiction novels including The Eyre Affair.
- Born in London on 11 January 1961 is a novelist living in Wales. He is the son of John Standish Fforde, the 24th Chief Cashier for the Bank of England, whose signature used to appear on sterling banknotes,[1] and is the cousin of the author, Katie Fforde. His early career was spent as a focus puller in the film industry, where he worked on a number of films including Quills, GoldenEye, and Entrapment. Fforde has an interest in aviation, and owns and flies a Tiger Moth.
| - Born in London on 11 January 1961 is a novelist living in Wales. He is the son of John Standish Fforde, the 24th Chief Cashier for the Bank of England, whose signature used to appear on sterling banknotes,[1] and is the cousin of the author, Katie Fforde. His early career was spent as a focus puller in the film industry, where he worked on a number of films including Quills, GoldenEye, and Entrapment. His published books include a series of novels starring Thursday Next: The Eyre Affair (2001), Lost in a Good Book (2002), The Well of Lost Plots (2003), Something Rotten (2004), First Among Sequels (2007), One of Our Thursdays Is Missing (2011) and The Woman Who Died a Lot (2012) The Big Over Easy (2005), which shares a similar setting with the Next novels, is a reworking of his first written novel, which initially failed to find a publisher. It had the working title of Nursery Crime, which is the title now used to refer to this series of books. The follow-up to The Big Over Easy, The Fourth Bear was published in July 2006 and focuses on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. * A third Nursery Crime novel, The Last Great Tortoise Race, is also due in the future. Jasper Fforde has the following to say about TLGTR, "Eventually. The Last Great Tortoise Race will be the third and final installment of the NCD series. I have no idea when it will be written, or published." Jasper Fforde's literary future: "The Thursday Next series has four books, so the next book I'm going to be writing is five, so we're going to go back to her for a book and after that I don't know, I might experiment with a new series or two.It's an exciting time because I don't know what's going to come out in 09. I am going to have a book for 09 but I don't know what it's about, and that's very exciting because where is it, right now? It's going to be there in two years time but it's not here now. I pledged a book a year for 10 years to try and get established and that finishes in four years and I said to myself that I could have a year off then. So I'm looking forward to that."-Jasper Fforde Fforde's books are noted for the number of literary allusions, wordplay and the tightly scripted plot, and loose adherence to traditional genres. His works do usually contain various elements of metafiction, parody, and fantasy. Fforde has an interest in aviation, and owns and flies a Tiger Moth.
- Jasper Fforde is the author of a few science fiction novels including The Eyre Affair.