Mike: Bloom, Bloom, wake up.
* Bloom gasps.* Bloom: Dad? M-Mom? Oh. Vanessa: Bloom, we were so worried. Mike: Darling, are you alright? Bloom: Y-yes.
* A flash of light shines in front of them.* Bloom: The Trix! Oh, no! They're back!
* Stella materializes.*
* Bloom walks over to Vanessa and Mike and hugs them.* Mike: We're with you, sweetie. Bloom: Oh, I love you.
Attributes | Values |
| - Winx Club: The Battle for Magix/Script
| - Mike: Bloom, Bloom, wake up.
* Bloom gasps.* Bloom: Dad? M-Mom? Oh. Vanessa: Bloom, we were so worried. Mike: Darling, are you alright? Bloom: Y-yes.
* A flash of light shines in front of them.* Bloom: The Trix! Oh, no! They're back!
* Stella materializes.*
* Bloom walks over to Vanessa and Mike and hugs them.* Mike: We're with you, sweetie. Bloom: Oh, I love you.
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| - Mike: Bloom, Bloom, wake up.
* Bloom gasps.* Bloom: Dad? M-Mom? Oh. Vanessa: Bloom, we were so worried. Mike: Darling, are you alright? Bloom: Y-yes.
* A flash of light shines in front of them.* Bloom: The Trix! Oh, no! They're back!
* Stella materializes.* Bloom: Stella! Stella: Bloom, what happened here? Bloom: The Trix, they followed me home, they attacked me. They were so strong. They took my power! Vanessa: Bloom, what do you wanna do? Stella: You can't let the Trix get away with this! You have to fight them, Bloom! Come back to Alfea with me. We'll all help you. Together, I know we can beat those evil witches.
* Bloom walks over to Vanessa and Mike and hugs them.* Mike: We're with you, sweetie. Bloom: Oh, I love you.
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