Calchas — czarodziej nieznanego statusu krwi; jasnowidz żyjący w starożytnej Grecji. Pokonał go Mopsus podczas jednego z pojedynków jasnowidzów.
Calchas is the leader of The Boot. He promises programs safety. The Boot is one of the locations in TRON: Evolution - Battle Grids.
Calchas was an Ancient Greek wizard and a Seer who was bested by Mopsus in a contest over who was the more powerful.
Calchas était devin et a été vaincu par Mopsus lors d'un concours d'augures.
It was Calchas who prophesied that in order to gain a favourable wind to deploy the Greek ships mustered in Aulis on their way to Troy, Agamemnon would need to sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia, to appease Artemis, whom Agamemnon had offended; the episode was related at length in the lost Cypria, of the Epic Cycle. He also states that Troy will be sacked on the ninth year of the war. In Sophocles' Ajax, Calchas delivers a prophecy to Teucer suggesting that the protagonist will die if he leaves his tent before the day is out.