| - Left-handed residents are common in The Simpsons. Even though only 10-15% of people are left-handed, there is a higher than usual number of characters in The Simpsons that appear to be left-handed, or are seen to be writing with their left hand. Some are generally noted to be officially left-handed characters. These include Bart Simpson, Seymour Skinner, Ned Flanders, Moe Szyslak, Marge Simpson (originally) and many others. Lisa Simpson is seen using a fork with her left hand in "The Cue Detective."
| - Left-handed residents are common in The Simpsons. Even though only 10-15% of people are left-handed, there is a higher than usual number of characters in The Simpsons that appear to be left-handed, or are seen to be writing with their left hand. Some are generally noted to be officially left-handed characters. These include Bart Simpson, Seymour Skinner, Ned Flanders, Moe Szyslak, Marge Simpson (originally) and many others. Lisa Simpson is seen using a fork with her left hand in "The Cue Detective." This large number of left-handed characters is due to the fact that Matt Groening himself is left-handed. However it's important to highlight that sometimes they have been seen as right-handed, even Ned Flanders, owner of the Leftorium. And right-handed characters like Homer have sometimes been seen using their left hand to write. It wasn't until 2010 in Boy Meets Curl that it was shown that Marge was originally left-handed. Marge said that she used her right hand so she wouldn't be judged, so she would technically be considered ambidextrous.