| - Simmene dine har DNA og kan arve fysiske karaktertrekk og personlighetstrekk. Ta dem gjennom et uendelig antall generasjoner og utvikle ditt eget Sims-familietre.
- A Computer game.
* Floating rooms
- The Sims 2 is a game that was released on the GameCube, DS, and Game Boy Advance. Each version is different from each other. It is based off the hit PC game with the same title. It was developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts.
- Here is a list of Advantages and Disadvantages with using The Sims 2 as a game engine to create machinima.
- The Sims 2, commonly referred to as TS2, is the sequel to The Sims. Released in September 2004, it heralded sweeping changes from the original: most notably, the isometric view of the original had given way to full 3D. Also, Sims now have life stages (Baby, Toddler, Child, Teen, Adult and Elder) which had them age from birth to death, and their genetics would be passed on to their children. Unlike the original Sims, where the player could spend forever raising their skills, the aging system in The Sims 2 imposes a time limit on this before your Sims die.
- The Sims 2 heralds sweeping changes from the original. The isometric view of The Sims is replaced by a full 3D environment. Sims experience life stages (baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, and elder) which have them age from birth to death, and their genetics can be passed on to their children. Unlike the original The Sims, where the player can spend forever raising a Sim's skills, the aging system in The Sims 2 imposes a time limit on this before the Sims die. Sims' personalities are given an overhaul, with each Sim having an aspiration, wants, and fears.
- The main aim of the game is to lead a Sim from the start of life to death. Sims will need to build up skills and relationships with other Sims, so that he/she can be successful in their career. A player will also need to make sure a Sim is happy and well by fulfilling wants (including lifetime wants, avoiding fears, and fulfilling motives). Sims' personalities are also given an overhaul with each Sim having an Aspiration, Wants, and Fears.
- The Sims 2 aastal 2004 tõi kaasa 3D simsid, naabruskonnad, mida luua, kontrollida jne. Simsi loomine on palju keerukam - kui The Simsis said valida soo, nahavärvi, nime, vanuse, juuksevärvi, juukseid ja riided ning iseloomu, siis Sims 2-s saad lisaks sellele muuta näokuju, simsi paksust, lõuga, põski, elumõtet ja lisada erinevateks puhkudeks erinevaid riideid ning juurde tuli ka vanuseid. Maja ehitusel on palju rohkem võimalusi nagu diagonaalsed seinad, uus mööbel jne. Sims 2-l on 8 lisapakki ja 10 eripakki, mis tõid mängu veidi uusi asju, kuid olid palju väiksemad kui lisapakid. Lisapakid on University(lisab ülikooli, kuhu teismelisad saavad minna), Nightlife(tehtud jäljendamaks Hot Date-i, kuna see oli populaarseim lisapakk, uuendusena vampiirid), Open for Business(annab võimaluse teha ä
- Характер подопечного стал более продвинутым — теперь каждый персонаж обладает жизненной целью (или стремлением), которая определяет желания и страхи персонажа. В The Sims 2 появилось три городка: Новосельск — городок, который продолжает оригинальную сюжетную линию The Sims, но уже спустя 25 лет; Китежград — пустынный ландшафт с паранормальными явлениями; Верона — провинциальный городок, основанный на нескольких пьесах Уильяма Шекспира.
- The Sims 2 is a game produced by Elassint & Co. during the 2900's. It was released in 1970 under the name "THE ELASSINT IS GRUE" and was later renamed "The Sims 2". The game consists entirely of bad spleling in tjhe mnues adn teh pie mneus. But after that it's all good spelling. Oh yeah, what you do? You get some virtual human called Elassint and you sit there and tell him to bake pies. When Elassint has baked 1,000 pies you have to get him to throw them in the bin. The challenge of this task is that Elassint will sometimes either try to eat the pie or he will try to paint the pie or he will try to talk about the pie or he will try to serve the pie or he will just refuse to throw the pie away. If either of these happen you must shout at him "GREG BEECHAM!!!" and then he shouts at you "WHO