| - Aku Aku (Japanese: アクアク) is a witch doctor whose spirit now lives in a wooden mask who guides Crash, his sister Coco, and their friends as they defeat the forces of evil. He has made appearances in every Crash Bandicoot game, although one of them is just a cameo. In the platforming Crash games, from the original up until Crash of the Titans, if 3 masks are found, Crash becomes invincible for a limited amount of time, with Aku Aku being placed on Crash's face during this period. He is the deuteragonist of the series, as well as a father figure to Crash, Coco and their friends.
- After Crash runs from Cortex and washes up on N. Sanity Beach, he frees Aku Aku, who provides his magical services throughout the game, scattering Aku Aku crates all across the three islands. He does not have a speaking role in this game, except in the Japanese version, where he gives hints when he is freed (except if the mask gives invincibility), but it's only in text, aside from the chant heard whenever a mask is collected in all other versions. He joins Crash to help stop the pollution Cortex has caused.
- Aku Aku war ein Medizinmann der Inselgruppe auf der Crash Bandicoot lebt. Nach seinem Tod wacht nun sein Geist über die Inseln. Aku Aku hilft Crash weil er fühlt, dass er versucht Dr. Cortex Pläne zu durchkreuzen, und verteilt deshalb überall Masken um Crash zu helfen.
- Aku Aku ist die Schutzmaske von Crash Bandicoot. Wenn man 2 Masken sammelt ist sie gelb und verteidigt 2 mal. Wenn man 3 Masken sammelt wird man für kurze Zeit unverwundbar. Sie schützt einen vor fast allem, aber wenn man z.B. in ein Loch fällt stirbt man trotzdem. Uka-Uka ist der Zwillingsbruder von Aku-Aku. Er arbeitet mit dem Feind von Crash Bandicoot, Doktor Neo Cortex. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Masken Kategorie:Crash Bandicoot
- thumb|Aku Aku atualthumb|Aku Aku antes de Crash Of The TitansO irmão mais velho de Uka Uka.O espírito de um curandeiro que foi aprisionado numa máscara.Pediu a ajuda de Crash para que parasse com a poluição na ilha de N.Sanity Beach no primeiro jogo da série,e desde então age como uma figura paterna com Crash ,Coco e Crunch. Em Crash Of The Titans e em Crash Mind Over Mutant, Aku Aku pode controlar os mutantes quando é colocado no rosto destes e Crash tem o poder de controlá-los. Categoria:Personagem