| - Raistlin's twin brother and self-appointed protector. Caramon is strong yet a little slow (but not stupid) in contrast to his brilliant but frail twin. Caramon is loyal to a fault to his brother and frequently puts himself in harm's way to protect Raistlin despite the knowledge that Raistlin is willing to kill him to achieve his ends; his main story arc throughout the series is learning to step out from Raistlin's shadow and see his twin as he really is. Caramon is in love with Tika Waylan, whom he marries; Palin Majere (see below) is their son.
* Big Brother Instinct
* Big Eater: Caramon eats a lot in the "Chronicles" series, and is miserable if he's deprived of regular (and very large) meals. Despite this, he never gets fat, presumably due to his active lifestyle. In the "Legends" series after Raistlin abandons him, he becomes so depressed that he ceases to be active and takes up drinking heavily. That, combined with his big eating, soon turns him into a tub of lard.
* The Big Guy
* The Caretaker: It's repeatedly shown that he needs Raistlin more than Raistlin needs him, and that his whole identity is wrapped up in being his brother's protector. In Legends, his Character Development revolves around finding his own worth as an individual, and letting go of his twin.
* Drowning My Sorrows: Starts out doing this in the Legends trilogy, but he gets better.
* Dumb Is Good
* Dumb Muscle
* Happily Married
* Heroes Want Redheads
* Love Makes You Dumb: In this case brotherly, not romantic, love.
* Meaningful Name: His name is meant to sound like "caring man".
* The Southpaw