| - Sort, sort, sort, sort the webcomic catch phrases! Examples of Catch Phrase/Webcomics include:
* One Over Zero: Junior has "bite me".
* Spoofed/subverted early on in Wigu, when the title character learns that he must be careful not to utter the catchphrase ("Spring into action!") of his cartoon hero Topato Potato, lest he be hunted down by the Catchphrase Killer.
* In the webtoon Geo Weasel the character Mitri once claimed to be "Pretty much everywhere and nowhere, like a ghost or something." In later episodes, his brother would pressure him into saying it again, and then laugh like an idiot and proclaim it to be the funniest line in the world. This was probably a parody or a Take That aimed at several of the toon's fans who thought the line was so funny that they pressured the
| - Sort, sort, sort, sort the webcomic catch phrases! Examples of Catch Phrase/Webcomics include:
* One Over Zero: Junior has "bite me".
* Spoofed/subverted early on in Wigu, when the title character learns that he must be careful not to utter the catchphrase ("Spring into action!") of his cartoon hero Topato Potato, lest he be hunted down by the Catchphrase Killer.
* In the webtoon Geo Weasel the character Mitri once claimed to be "Pretty much everywhere and nowhere, like a ghost or something." In later episodes, his brother would pressure him into saying it again, and then laugh like an idiot and proclaim it to be the funniest line in the world. This was probably a parody or a Take That aimed at several of the toon's fans who thought the line was so funny that they pressured the creator into adding it again.
* Jimbob also had the Catch Phrase "Fix my saxophone", but it was parodied to the point that it became very irritating to everyone in the cartoon whenever he asked. Weas questioned whether the line was actually supposed to be amusing at all just by repeating it over and over and if it was leading up to anything (to which Jimbob replied cryptically "episode 15"). Later uses of the phrase either had someone stop Jimbob before he could say the whole thing or even ask or he would receive punishment for it (such as Weas shooting him dead in the first episode and stabbing him in the face in the long-awaited episode 15).
* One of Fred the Monkey's favorite tropes. Fred's, "Eee? Pah!", Sceb's "What the biscuit?" and, of course, Clydex's "I'm a platypus."
* El Goonish Shive: "Sexy-awesome!" Also, "Za?(!)" on occasion.
* Nazi science sneers at catchphrases!
* Crikey! This catchphrase is a bit stroppy!
* You have been promoted to catchphrased at by a giant frog.
* Spoofed in this PBF cartoon
* Order of the Stick wouldn't be complete without these, though the Catch Phrases do seem to diminish with the Cerebus Syndrome.
* Haley delights in declaring, in the least sneaky way possible, "Sneak attack, bitch!"
* Vaarsuvius never actually says this, but beware of any paper that reads "I prepared Explosive Runes this morning." They explode.
* Elan's bardic songs and occasional prayers to Banjo are his catchphrase.
* "I am a sexy, shoeless god of war!"
* Dunh Dunh DUNNNNH!
* While oddly none of the main characters seem to have a catch phrase in Cwen's Quest it almost seems to be a requirement for the minor characters causing fans of the series to repeat them whenever a minor character show up.
* Zergarem: Your Mother
* Edwin: Heart!
* Sabril: Magic (followed my malevolent laughter)
* Trel: Hats! (Followed by screaming)
* Vorg: Here at Team Vorg.....
* In Pictures for Sad Children, sentences and titles of comics are often formed based on the sentence "character, who is description". Used most famously for paul, who is a ghost.
* Several in Sluggy Freelance:
* Riff: "Let me check my notes."
* Kiki: "Stay good, (name of person behaving immorally here)! Stay good!"
* "Ooh, shiny!"
* Sam: "Sam's da man!"
* Dimension of Pain Demons: "How evil."
* "Torg Potter" Wizards: "Mysteeeeeerious!" (wiggles fingers)
* Torg: "Run away!"
* Bun-Bun: Ka-Click!
* Okay, that last one's more of a Catch Sound Effect for his switchblade, but he does actually say it on one occasion.
* "Time to die, nerd-boy."
* Bert: "My world is a crotch!" Later, when he shows up again as a ghost (for a short time), it is confirmed to Torg that it's him when he says, "My afterlife is a crotch!"
* "FOR PONY!" - Richard, Looking For Group
* "Why, hello there!" and "Oh my." - Flying Man, of Flying Man and Friends.
* Igor from Dork Tower has "It must be mine!" (not really related to the trope). this strip and those after it hang quite a lampshade on it.
* Rayne from Least I Could Do: " ... and that's when I tried to buy the horse a prostitute."
* I love this guy!
* He did.
* I love this horse!
* Rehhh????
* DM of the Rings: "I hate this campaign".
* Rowasu of Juathuur, sure as sky.
* A few in Bittersweet Candy Bowl, Lucy's "jerkface", Mike's "guh!" and Yashy's "whore!" being the main contenders.
* Digger has the classic "Oh blood and shale!"
* Julie's classic healing chant: "The Power of Friendship Cures Light Wounds!" from Our Little Adventure
* Many characters from Brawl in the Family have one.
* Waluigi: "TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME." and "Waluigi hates this." and "WAA!"
* Kirby: "[whatever he's about to eat]!"
* Captain Falcon likes to add the word "Falcon" to a lot of his phrases. (i.e.: "Falcon Bluff!")
* The leader of the Moon Men from Basic Instructions also has one but THE DETAILS ARE NOT IMPORTANT!!
* Woo's "Woo!" Woo from Sandra and Woo is even named after his common reaction to pleasant surprises.
* Jason from The Word Weary answers "Who Cares?" off-handedly whenever someone asks him about another character's emotions.
* Homestuck
* Jade: oh nooooooo
* Gamzee: hOnK
* Doc Scratch: I am a most excellent host
* The Unspeakable Vault of Doom: The shoggies reaction to pretty much anything is "Oooh! Sooo coool!", but admitedly they are as dumb as you expect brainless pink goo to be.
* Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer!
* Also, when somewhat-less-mad-than-regular scientists Agatha and Gilgamesh are thrust into the stereotype of their role, they tend towards the line "...and I can live with that!". (Things they've been able to live with thus far have included death rays, ranting at underlings like a cheap actor, and controlling an entire city and its army via a mix of mind control, symbiosis, and shared insanity.)
* The T-Girls of Jet Dream, the Remix Comic version, share a memorable Catch Phrase with their original counterparts: "Jet-a-Reeno!"