| - Poppy is a young girl who loves flowers, rainbows, and stickers. She is one of the five people, along with her sister, Violet Nightshade , to have stayed in the town you move into. She owns the local flower shop. Poppy also lives in a cute, little house on Cutopia and takes care of her garden. In Speedville and in the town that holds festivals, she owns a flower shop, as well as a flower stand in the park on Main Street in the City.
- Because there are many different colors of poppies, there are many different meanings. In general, a poppy means imagination and eternal sleep. This is because of the opium extracted from them and the blood-red color.
- Poppy Bellflower is one of the five Bellflower children. He is the smartest of the bunch, and in the original books he is rarely without a book in his hands. Poppy's German name, Sinus, translates to a mathematical term in English.[citation needed]
- Poppies are fairly common Flowers that can be used to Craft one Rose Red Dye. Poppies are commonly found in Flower Forests.
- Setting: The streets of Step City During the Solar Flares Preceded by Wish
- Poppy is a jolly nursing-talent fairy. She appears in Prilla and the Butterfly Lie.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FF6907
- Poppy is a young girl that appears in "The Scorpion's Tale". She is about 11 years old. Nothing much is known about her, except that she is a possible friend of Jenny and has a crush on Bart. She is Alison's cousin. She is mentioned in the episode 500 Keys.
- Poppy is a pageant powerhouse whose interests include glitter, photo shoots and her own beautiful, beautiful face. But underneath all the sugar and spice lurks a troublemaking mastermind. Poppy is the ears and eyes of her friends...so it's best to stay on her good side!
- Poppy was a Santa Cruz band that included Kristy Burt.
- Poppy is Greg's great-grandfather and the father of Grampa and Great Aunt Marcie. He is or used to be married to Lulu. Poppy is on Susan's side of the family. He only appears in The Wimpy Kid Do It Yourself Book, in the family tree drawn by Greg.
- Limited Edition plants do not deter wildlife
- Poppy (パピー, Papī) is Galford's husky companion introduced in Samurai Shodown who acts as an exclusive helper to Galford's Shura/Slash form in Samurai Shodown III. In Samurai Shodown V, players can play as her by inputting a special command on the character selection screen. __TOC__
- Poppies are plants that are found growing wild in the mountains of Hammerfell. Their succulent pods are often the only nourishment of adventurers who find themselves in the wilderness without rations. There are two kinds of poppies to be found: black and white.
- Roses were the form that Poppies took before 1.7. In 1.7, their texture and name were changed; however, they still have the same ID.
- __NOWYSIWYG__PoppyKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
- Poppy was at first Johnny Lovo's girlfriend, though after Tony Camonte started pursuing her, his reputation started growing and he killed Lovo, she then became his girlfriend. Intell, Tony killed his friend, Rinaldo. He tried to call Tony though instead, Tony's secretary, Angelo, answered and actually heard her though she died seconds later and hung up. It is unknown when, where,why,and how she died.
- Poppy – to młoda dziewczyna, która kocha kwiaty, tęcze i naklejki. Jest jedną z pięciu Simów, którymi można się poruszać. Mieszka wraz ze swoją siostrą Violet w ślicznym małym domku w Cutopii. Posiada własną kwiaciarnię.
- Poppy is a purple puffle owned by Indytig10. She is best known for having the signature orange flower. She secretly likes Goober like Cuttle and Culle.
- Poppy, is a currently active user on DarkSpyro. MEH SHE SEEMED COOL, RIP MAN
- Poppy is one of the four high priests that serve Devius. She has the ability to steal energy from people with happiness, and can use her magic to easily drain people of any joy, making them sad and unable to fight, sending the happiness for Deboth to hold.
- Flipdeck: Age: 20 years Loves: Grapes Hates: Spiders Related to: Issac (Boyfriend)
- Poppy, Gardienne du Marteau est un champion dans League of Legends.
- Runeterra has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy. Bearing a hammer twice the length of her body, this determined yordle has spent untold years searching for the “Hero of Demacia” a fabled warrior said to be the rightful wielder of her weapon.
- A poppy is a rare plant originally from northern Venezuela with rugged spikey birds on its forecastle and brilliant green felt on its bottom. It is closely related to common molds including: toe jam, soap scum, and gingevitis.
- Poppy was a NPC (Non-Playable Character) in Bakugan Dimensions. Her sister was Riley, whom she constantly annoyed. Poppy stated that she can't stop battling. Her Fighting Style was Relentless Rushdown and she was a Pyrus brawler.
- Pansy (ポピー Panjī?) es una guerrera de la Tribu Kuja.
- Poppy is one of the five people, along with one of her sisters, Violet Nightshade, to have stayed in the town you move into. She owns the local flower shop. Poppy also lives in a cute, little house on Cutopia and takes care of her garden. In Speedville and in the town that holds festivals, she owns a flower shop, as well as a flower stand in the park on Main Street in the City.
- <default>Poppy</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Poppy (ur. przed 1926 rokiem) — nieśmiałek wychowany przez Newtona Skamandera. Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii: XX
- Poppy is the funniest bird but is actually a prankser also she loves drumming. She is voiced by Rinna Paatso.
- Poppy is the main protagonist of the 2016 film Trolls. She is voiced by Anna Kendrick.
- Poppy est un Botruc élevé par Norbert Dragonneau.
- Es de tamaño mediano, de plumaje amarillo suave con puntas rosas en los mechones de la cabeza y en la cola, y de ojos color verde de gran tamaño. Salvaje, traviesa,activa y loca como un coco, vive la vida en el carril rápido, es la cómica del grupo - le encanta jugar bromas para hacer que las otras se rían-. Ella es sin duda una buscadora de atención y el grupo a veces pierden la paciencia con ella cuando lleva a sus bromas demasiado lejos. Así mismo, no gusta de estar mucho tiempo sola, siempre buscando alguien con quien hablar.