| - Crash & the Creeps were a rock band. Crash was the lead vocalist/guitarist, with the Creeps as the rest of the band: a second guitarist, a bassist, a keyboardist, and a drummer. Cassie Chan was holding band auditions and they won. They are still known to this day for their hit song, "Confusion". They had their first gig at Angel Grove High, featuring Cassie on lead vocals and Crash on backing vocals. After the concert, everyone had acquired live bootlegs of the performance.
- In their first fight as monsters, they ran. They had tool like weapons. Crash while in human form, got into trouble with Divatox on the Space Base. This is also when they recieve a team blaster powered by a jewel on a chain. It was called the Ranger Scrambler. They also got Power Weapons, similar to the Rangers, but that was off scene. They then setup for a concert with help of the Piranhatrons. The band was in human form, confusing the rangers. The Creeps used their new Ranger-like weapons to damage, and gather the enemies together so they could use the Ranger Scrambler.
| - In their first fight as monsters, they ran. They had tool like weapons. Crash while in human form, got into trouble with Divatox on the Space Base. This is also when they recieve a team blaster powered by a jewel on a chain. It was called the Ranger Scrambler. They also got Power Weapons, similar to the Rangers, but that was off scene. They then setup for a concert with help of the Piranhatrons. The band was in human form, confusing the rangers. Crash then sheds his human form, revealing his true monster form. The Band starts playing their song, It disabled both the Rangers and even the Piranhatrons. The rangers then find that if they destroy the Instruments, the Song's spell effects faded. The Creeps then transform off screen and teleport to the beach. The Creeps used their new Ranger-like weapons to damage, and gather the enemies together so they could use the Ranger Scrambler. The first shot did massive damage, but while they were reloading, the Rangers called on Turbo R.A.M. in Blaster Mode. It over powered the Ranger Scrambler, and in the blast the Creeps were destroyed. Crash grew, but was defeated by Turbo Megazord's Spin-out.
- Crash & the Creeps were a rock band. Crash was the lead vocalist/guitarist, with the Creeps as the rest of the band: a second guitarist, a bassist, a keyboardist, and a drummer. Cassie Chan was holding band auditions and they won. They are still known to this day for their hit song, "Confusion". They had their first gig at Angel Grove High, featuring Cassie on lead vocals and Crash on backing vocals. After the concert, everyone had acquired live bootlegs of the performance.