| - One theory supported by remote viewer testimony holds that Yahweh of the Old Testament was an Anunnaki alien trying to get control of the world through the three major religions.
- The Annunaki are a race of Extraterrestrial beings allegedly from a planet called Nibiru in the solar system.
- Records show that there was one race, or possibly two, who traveled the heavens long before humanity ever reached the stars. The Anunnaki (or Preadamite) is a term for the alien races of pre-historic times whose technology was of incredibly high advancement. The elder of these races have left behind the massive jumpgates that allow interstellar travel to be possible. The Anunnaki have disappeared and their only legacy is in the mythologies of the Children of the Ur, the technology of their disciples, the remains and ruins of their greatest relics.
- The Anunnaki are an Alien race that have humaity completely at its mercy. They have infiltrated vitually every position of power known (and unknown) to man. The Anunnaki race consists of two species: The Reptilians and the Vulturites.
- The head of the Anunnaki council is the Great Anu, the sky god, and the other members are his offspring. His throne will be inherited by Enlil, resulting in a dispute between Enlil and his brother Enki regarding who will be the rightful leader. Enki is an alchemist and is known to have created mankind. The Anunnaki form the High Council of the Gods, and Anu's companions. They are distributed throughout the Earth and the Underworld. The best known of them are Asaru, Asarualim, Asarualimnunna, Asaruludu, En-Ki (Ea for the Akkadians), Namru, Namtillaku and Tutu.
- There is also a theory that the Anunnaki might be the Nephilim that the Book of Enoch speaks of.
- |Homeworld |Nibiru |- |Habitat |Earth-like |- |Body Type |Humanoid |- |Sapience Level |Sapient |- |- ! colspan="2" style="background:#000000; color:#5A79A5; font-size:1.25em; text-align:center;" | Behind the Scenes |- |} The Annunaki were the main gods of the Sumerian pantheon. Their name and certain aspects of their mythology have been co-opted by certain theorists on several occasions.
- Az Anunnakik (és nem "Annunaki") a sumér mitológia istenei, a babiloni teremtésmítosz oszlopos tagjai. Teremtők? Akkor tuti jóságos földönkívüliek!!! Pláne, ha megnézzük ezt az ábrát: Ez csakis mesterséges eszköz lehet! Földönkívüli! Az, hogy ők mit akartak ábrázolni, az nem fontos. Mi mit látunk benne, az a lényeg... Közben megteremtették mellékesen az embereket, mert nem volt elég munkásuk. Tehát fajunk eredete: rabszolgának génkísérleteztek ki minket. A fényimádók nem tudom, hogy nem akadtak még ki ezen.
| - One theory supported by remote viewer testimony holds that Yahweh of the Old Testament was an Anunnaki alien trying to get control of the world through the three major religions.
- The Annunaki are a race of Extraterrestrial beings allegedly from a planet called Nibiru in the solar system.
- Records show that there was one race, or possibly two, who traveled the heavens long before humanity ever reached the stars. The Anunnaki (or Preadamite) is a term for the alien races of pre-historic times whose technology was of incredibly high advancement. The elder of these races have left behind the massive jumpgates that allow interstellar travel to be possible. The Anunnaki have disappeared and their only legacy is in the mythologies of the Children of the Ur, the technology of their disciples, the remains and ruins of their greatest relics.
- The Anunnaki are an Alien race that have humaity completely at its mercy. They have infiltrated vitually every position of power known (and unknown) to man. The Anunnaki race consists of two species: The Reptilians and the Vulturites.
- The head of the Anunnaki council is the Great Anu, the sky god, and the other members are his offspring. His throne will be inherited by Enlil, resulting in a dispute between Enlil and his brother Enki regarding who will be the rightful leader. Enki is an alchemist and is known to have created mankind. The Anunnaki form the High Council of the Gods, and Anu's companions. They are distributed throughout the Earth and the Underworld. The best known of them are Asaru, Asarualim, Asarualimnunna, Asaruludu, En-Ki (Ea for the Akkadians), Namru, Namtillaku and Tutu.
- Az Anunnakik (és nem "Annunaki") a sumér mitológia istenei, a babiloni teremtésmítosz oszlopos tagjai. Teremtők? Akkor tuti jóságos földönkívüliek!!! Pláne, ha megnézzük ezt az ábrát: Ez csakis mesterséges eszköz lehet! Földönkívüli! Az, hogy ők mit akartak ábrázolni, az nem fontos. Mi mit látunk benne, az a lényeg... És mit látunk? Műhold is lehetne, de nem, ez egyenesen egy bolygó méretű űrhajó, a Nibiru. Ezzel gyöttek az Anunnakik majd' 50000 évvel ezelőtt. És az aranyunkat akarták elvinni. Senki nem tudja, miért akarták az aranyat, és azt sem, hogy honnan tűnt el, mert bár fejlett szinten termelték ki, nekünk mégis maradt belőle elég nagy mennyiség. Közben megteremtették mellékesen az embereket, mert nem volt elég munkásuk. Tehát fajunk eredete: rabszolgának génkísérleteztek ki minket. A fényimádók nem tudom, hogy nem akadtak még ki ezen. És ahogy az egy gazda-szolga viszonyban "normális" (ki szerint, de tényleg?), közösültek a szolgáikkal, így hibrid fajú lények jöttek létre. Aztán megunták az erkölcsi fertőt és leléptek. De nem mentek mindannyian el a Földről. Többen maradtak, további utódokat nemzeni. Így bizony logikus feltételezni, hogy élnek olyan emberek, akiknek X. felmenője nem ember. Ők különlegesnek érezhetik magukat. Ők többnek érezhetik magukat. Ők random kitalálhatják ezt magukról és interneten terjeszthetik, ha az életben nem kapnak elég elismerést. Mert ez jó. Én is akarok milliomos nagybácsit. Jó róla néha álmodozni. De ettől még nem igaz.
- There is also a theory that the Anunnaki might be the Nephilim that the Book of Enoch speaks of.
- |Homeworld |Nibiru |- |Habitat |Earth-like |- |Body Type |Humanoid |- |Sapience Level |Sapient |- |- ! colspan="2" style="background:#000000; color:#5A79A5; font-size:1.25em; text-align:center;" | Behind the Scenes |- |} The Annunaki were the main gods of the Sumerian pantheon. Their name and certain aspects of their mythology have been co-opted by certain theorists on several occasions.