| - Ettin is a type of monster in ADOM. They are somewhat uncommon monsters that do not have any special powers.
- Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
- Ettin är en Cimmerianer term för Goa'uld. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")kategori:Cimmerianer
- An ettin is a type of giant from Irish folklore. In Dungeons & Dragons it is a two-headed, brutish creature of great size that resembles an ogre or an orc.
- Les Ettins sont des géants à deux têtes vivant dans les forêts des montagnes de Gilnéas et des Pins Argentés. Il y en a également aux Hautes-Terres du Crépuscule, aux Carmines, au Mont Hyjal et à Tol Barad. Sauf la présence de deux têtes, sa morphologie ressemble à celle d'un Vrykul ou d'un humain. Il est supposé être carnivore ou omnivore. La Horde s'intéresse de près à cette race, non pas pour l'intégrer mais pour l'utiliser comme tracteurs pour de lourds chariots, ou même comme des machines de guerre, du fait de leur incroyable force physique dépassant celle d'un Kodo et leur intelligence moindre que celle d'un Ogre permettant de les assujetir facilement. Ils sont classés comme étant des Géants ou comme étant des Humanoides.
- Ettin were giants with two heads that were capable of independent thought and can each control one arm for attacking.
- An ettin, H, is a huge humanoid carnivore. They always get a club when created. Ettins are also hard to surprise; they wake up with 90% chance per turn if you're in direct line-of-sight and are within 10 mapgrids. This is presumably because they have two heads, a common feature of ettins in other games related to Dungeons & Dragons. Despite this, decapitation with Vorpal Blade is still an instant kill. Generally, the player will encounter ettin zombies before actual ettins.
- Ettins were a type of giant that lived in the most northern land of the world of Narnia (which was eventually named Ettinsmoor). They were generally violent and unintelligent and can be described to either having two heads or four arms, but never both. These creatures were once civilized ones that built ancient cities and bridges around the Wild Lands of the North during the Age of Conquest. But worse, during the Age of Winter, they all started to become uncivilized and became violent with stupidity and vicious temperament.
- Ettins are one of the enemies encountered while protecting Umar Hills from invasion during the paladin stronghold quest in Shadow's of Amn. They are about half the size of a Fire Giant and have almost the same amount of health.
- Race: giant Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 15 Hit points: 65 Attack bonus: +8/+3 /+8 Damage: d6 + d4 +6 (club) / d8 +3 (spear) Hit dice (level): 10 Challenge rating: 8 Size: large Trained skills:(‡) listen (12), spot (12) Feats: alertness, ambidexterity, darkvision, improved critical (creature), power attack, two-weapon fighting, weapon proficiency (simple)
- Ettins are a class of monster, i.e. a species in the bestiary of Guild Wars. Ettins are giant-kin, large humanoid creatures, which have two conjoined faces on their single head. They have great muscular bodies and thick gray skin, and are always found carrying huge clubs on their shoulders.
- Les Ettins de C2 se comportent différemment. Ils ont tendance à vivre une vie triste et solitaire avec pour seule compagnie Pitz et de temps à autres un Grendel. Dans la mythologie, les Ettins étaient des créatures bi ou tricéphales qui aimaient poser des énigmes. Certains contes parlent de la cité construite pas les Ettins ainsi, ils sont utilisés dans beaucoup de FanFictions comme des créatures laissées sur place pour aider les norns
- Ettin is a monster found in the Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) base game.
- Heavy Bronze BattleaxeUnknown edit Locations Found Locations Found: Tomb Center Shrine of Na'karethUnknown edit
- Because of the tales that speak of Ettins building cities, Ettins are used a lot in as creatures that can tidy up or be left behind to help Norns. Ettins are also well-known for their lack of a tail, giving them a slightly humanoid appearance; and their tomato-like eyes in Creatures 2. Image:Femaleettin.png
- Volk Volk Riesen Art Humanoide Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Rotkammgebirge, Schattenhochland Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Ettins sind zweiköpfige Riesen, die mit World of Warcraft: Cataclysm in Azeroth auftauchten und aus ihrem Versteck aus den Bergen und Schluchten hervorkamen.
- Történet Ők az evolúciós átmenet a gronnok és az ogrék között. Egészen addig nem bújtak elő, míg a Kataklizma fel nem rázta őket álmukból és ki nem űzte őket barlangjaikból.
- Ettins are enemies in Hexen. They are two-headed monsters outfitted with armor and maces, the mutated remains of the Legion's soldiers, and are essentially the lowest tier of monster and very straightforward to kill, even with 175 Hit points. Ettins are the most common enemy in the game, found in every single stage. and are the first encountered. In addition, they spawn randomly (about one per minute?) as long as the player is on a given map. Their melee attacks consist of mace swings; however, these only cause a small amount of damage and are easily dodged by the player. They gib when they take too much damage or get killed by the Quietus, Wraithverge, or Bloodscourge weapons or the Mage's exploding Flechette
- Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp) Initiative: +3 Speed: 30 ft. in hide armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft. Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +7 natural, +3 hide), touch 8, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+17 Attack: Morningstar +12 melee (2d6+6) or javelin +5 ranged (1d8+6) Full Attack: 2 morningstars +12/+7 melee (2d6+6) or 2 javelins +5 ranged (1d8+6) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: - Special Qualities: Low-light vision, superior two-weapon fighting Saves: Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +5 Abilities: Str 23, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 11 Skills: Listen +10, Search +1, Spot +10
- The Ettin are a race of primitive two headed giants native to Azeroth, living in Silverpine Forest and mountains around Gilneas and Redridge and Highmountain. One of these creatures came down in search of food, killing many mountain sheep. This ettin was stopped and slain by the worgen players. Another of these creatures was subdued by the Forsaken.
- Ettins are a species in the games Creatures 2 and Creatures 3. Ettins were created by the Shee to help them on their experiments, especially when using machinery. Unfortunately, they made them like machines so much, they tend to steal bits for themselves, often taking them to wherever they consider their home. Ettins were introduced into the Creatures universe in C2, having been revealed to the world after the volcanic eruption.
- Un ettin es un malvado y maloliente gigante de dos cabezas. Físicamente es muy parecido a un ogro; cuentan con enormes colmillos y tienen la piel tan dura y grisácea que parece cubierta de una capa de pelaje corto. Sin embargo, su tamaño puede llegar a duplicar al de los ogros. De hecho, “ettin” viene del inglés “eoten”, una palabra en desuso que significa “gigante”.center|400px Los ettin tienen un ataque muy poderoso puesto que están especializados en armas de gran tamaño como el garrote y el mayal que, además, pueden blandir en ambos brazos ya que cada cabeza coordina un arma.
- 250px|thumb|Ettin 250px|thumb|Ettin Ettiny to dwugłowi giganci o krwiożerczej i nieprzewidywalnej naturze, polujący nocą i pożerający wszelkie żywe istoty, jakie uda im się dopaść. Są to dzikie stworzenia, które z bardziej cywilizowanymi gigantami łączy tylko rozmiar. Ettiny mierzą ponad 4 metry wzrostu, mają grubą, zrogowaciałą skórę, której kolor może się wahać od różowego po brązowy. Skóra ta pokryta jest zawsze grubą warstwą brudu, który cały czas się nawarstwia. Wynika to ze wstrętu ettinów do wody, z powodu którego nigdy się nie kąpią. Włosy ettinów są długie, sprężyste i skołtunione. Ich zęby duże, żółte i często zepsute. Rysy twarzy przypominają nieco orka, z dużymi wodnistymi oczami, spłaszczonym wińskim nosem i wielką gębą. Prawa głowa ettina jest zawsze tą dominującą, a prawe ra
- Ettins are vicious two-headed giants that stalk rocky, mountainous areas. They are mostly nocturnal creatures, hunting prey in the twilight hours, as their two heads make them exceptionally sharp-eyed and alert. Each head has a porcine face with boar-like lower tusks from their shovel jaws. All of their other teeth are large and rotting. These giants dislike water, which is why they appear to have a thick, grey hide - mostly made up of grime and dirt. Adult ettins are roughly 13 feet in height and weigh over 5000 pounds. The average lifespan of an ettin is 75 years.
- El Ettin es un enemigo en Hexen: Beyond Heretic. Aparece por primera vez en la Sala de Desgranaje. Es un monstruo antropomorfo, de piel color café, con ojos rojos que tiene dos cabezas. Usan hombreras, muñequeras y rodilleras de placas con pinchos, cinturón y unas cadenas en el pecho usadas como tirantes (su atuendo es parecido al de Baratus) y cargan un mazo, también con pinchos, en la mano derecha.