| - Sapling may refer to:
* a spindly oak sapling
* a stout young sapling
- Sapling is a limited edition decoration that was introduced during the Arbor Day Event in FarmVille. Saplings are all currently decorations, not harvestable trees.
- Saplings, added in Update 0.3.2, are Items that can be placed on Dirt and Grass Blocks to grow Trees. Each type of Sapling will grow a different type of Tree.
- Saplings are human/plant hybrids who eat the Life Force of other living beings. They also eat cake. They are the size of a small leaf. They are small creatures resembling a leaf with arms, legs, and a head. They are a parasitic species who feed off the Life Force present in the Souls of all beings. Native to the Arlean forest, they normally make their perch on trees, disguising themselves on order to remain undetected whilst feeding.
- Saplings have a 1/20 chance of being dropped whenever a tree's leaves are broken. The type of leaves it is regulates the sapling Birch_Sapling.png Dark_Oak_Sapling.png Jungle_Sapling.png Oak_Sapling.png Acacia_Sapling.png Spruce_Sapling.png dropped. When placed, Saplings may grow into a full-grown tree either on their own or with the assistance of Bone Meal.
- Despite not being farming produce, Tool Leprechauns will note saplings. Players should be careful when planting saplings as otherwise they will have to visit a bank to unnote them.
- In Creativerse, some trees can be grown from Saplings with a bit of patience. Currently (R23 since October 2015) three kinds of Saplings exist in Creativerse:
* Ashenwood Saplings
* Cragwood Saplings
* Elderwood Saplings To obtain Saplings, just harvest ("pull") blocks of Leaves from Ashenwood, Cragwood and/or Elderwood; eventually Saplings will be added now and then. Since R26 you can now also obtain Saplings sometimes when harvesting Wood. Saplings will even appear occasionally if you place blocks of Leaves on the ground and then pick them up again.
- At the beginning of the game in all games prior to New Leaf, Tom Nook's tutorial job includes planting saplings around the store supposedly to attract more customers. These can in fact be planted anywhere in town. In addition to improving aesthetics and town ratings, in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, they play an important role in obtaining the Golden Axe. After the player has purchased 50 Cedar and/or Oak saplings, Leif will thank the player for their dedication to gardening with the tool.
- <default>Sapling</default> Type Species Charmable Crystal Notes Often found in large numbers, the diminutive plants known as Saplings can pack a punch, especially when they assist each other to bring down larger prey. With their quick attacks and ability to put whole parties of attackers asleep, they are not to be taken lightly, despite their size. They can be found all over Vana'diel, although not surprisingly are most often found in outdoor, wooded areas. Being fairly typical plantoids, they drop a variety of seeds when killed, including Grain Seeds, Herb Seeds, and Vegetable Seeds.
- A Sapling is a tree seedling that has grown sufficiently to be planted in a Tree Patch. Like seedlings, saplings cannot be traded and players must have the appropriate Farming level to plant the sapling in a Tree Patch, which can be aided by temporary boosts but not the assist system. Players may apply compost or supercompost to a Tree Patch before planting the sapling. Despite being untradeable and not actually farming produce, Tool Leprechauns will note saplings. Players should be careful when planting saplings as otherwise they will have to visit a bank to unnote them.
- Seedlings that grow into saplings whilst in storage in the bank will move to tab 1, unless that specific type of sapling is already present elsewhere. There is an option for the player to attempt to remove the seed from the plant pot, While this is not guaranteed, if a player has 99 farming and/or will never farm again, it is advised to do this with higher value tree seeds. Despite being untradeable and not actually farming produce, Tool Leprechauns will note saplings. Players should be careful when planting saplings as otherwise they will have to visit a bank to unnote them.