*4 Harry Watson
*8 Joe Klukay
*11 Howie Meeker
*12 Bill Ezinicki
*14 Vic Lynn
*15 Les Costello
*16 Nick Metz
*19 Don Metz
*20 Tom O'Neill
*22 Sid Smith
When the Stanley Cup was redone in 1957–58, Robert J. Galloway's name was engraved as P.J. GALLOWAY. The "P" should be a "R". This mistake was repeated on the Replica Cup created in 1992–93.
* William MacBrien , Conn Smythe ,
* Ed Bickell , Jack Bickell ,
* John Murdoch , Clarence Hap Day
* Robert Galloway, Horance MacIntyre
* George Walker , Ed Fitkin
* Tim Daly , Archie Campbell , Kerry Day